by admin | Jan 4, 2018 | Board of Selectmen Minutes
Meeting began at 6:14 pm. Present were Selectmen Cloutier and Stohl. Selectman Campbell was absent. Members of the public present: Road Agent David Cloutier, Tax Collector Garry Parkhurst, Bradley Woodard and Molly Campbell.
The Board proceeded to open bids received for the former Miles property on US Route 3. Bids were opened and read as follows:
Clark Jeffers, Jr. $ 6,110.00
Paul Barrows $ 7,575.00
Bradley Woodard $ 8,686.00
Molly Campbell $10,081.00
Stanley Hammond $10,200.00
Stacey Campbell $11,008.00
On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board voted to award the property to the highest bidder, Stacey Campbell. Marcia will prepare the necessary paperwork for the next meeting.
Molly Campbell and Bradley Woodard left the meeting at 6:18 pm.
Mail was reviewed.
Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.
Road Agent David Cloutier presented the Board will a quote for replacement of guard rails on three Town roads (2 places on Bungy Road and one place on Gray Road). The contractor can’t complete the work before December 31st. On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and
seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board voted to encumber the amount of $17,865.00 (per quote from CWS Fence & Guardrail) out of the 2017 budget to be spent in 2018. (per RSA 32:7, paragraph I)
The Board discussed other projects to be completed this year:
- Grading
- Gravel on Meridan Hill Road between Simpson’s and Boisvert
Mr. Cloutier left the meeting.
Marcia informed the Board that she had received an e-mail and survey from Heidi Lawton (NH Emergency Management) inquiring whether we had suffered any storm damage during the recent wind storm. The Board instructed Marcia to reply to the survey stating that we did not.
It was noted that there will be a follow-up Recycling Budget Meeting on Friday at 10:00 at the Nursing Home.
An e-mail was received and reviewed from Colebrook Town Manager Becky Merrow requesting that Columbia pay a vet bill that the Town of Colebrook had received. The Board instructed Marcia to e-mail Becky and ask for more information before they would approve payment of the bill.
On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board approved the minutes of the October 25th meeting.
Marcia told the Board that she had received a request from the 45th Parallel for census and housing numbers. It was discussed whether all the Towns use the numbers that are available on the State of NH – Department of Energy and Planning website. Marcia was instructed to respond with our numbers but to add a note on the bottom of the page asking if all Towns are using the same numbers. A copy of this will also be sent to Brett Brooks (Columbia’s representative to the 45th Parallel Board of Directors).
Tax Collector Garry Parkhurst gave each Board member a list of taxes still outstanding for 2015 and explained that these properties would be eligible for tax deeding in April, 2018.
Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen
by admin | Oct 17, 2017 | Board of Selectmen Minutes
Meeting began at 5:54 pm. Present were Selectmen Cloutier and Campbell. Selectman Stohl was absent. Members of the public present were Craig Washburn (Metallak ATV Club), Scott DeBlois, Planning Board Chairman, and Ron Estabrooks.
Mr. Estabrooks came to the meeting to ask permission to trap on the Town’s property. Selectman Cloutier signed his permit.
Mail was reviewed.
Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.
The Board reviewed six letters and two petitions from residents/taxpayers regarding ATV usage on Kelsea Notch Road, Bungy Road and Gray Road. Mr. Washburn stated that he had come to the meeting because he had heard there were some complaints. He said that as far as he knew, the Club hadn’t received any complaints. Mr. Washburn also stated that the Club had done some rock raking and put down gravel on Kelsea Notch Road. Selectman Campbell stated that the Town can’t put any money into Class VI roads and that, if the Club has done some work, then he should bring that information to the next meeting. The Board decided that this matter should wait until the full Board is present to be discussed. Mr. Washburn stated that he would attend the next meeting. Mr. Washburn was given copies of all the letters and petitions.
Selectman Campbell said that there is also an ATV issue on South Jordan Hill Road and that he was going to discuss this with Ted Burns of the Stratford ATV Club.
While on the subject of South Jordan Hill, Selectman Campbell brought in a letter that he had drafted to be sent to Jeremy Ward regarding the gate that was placed on that road. Selectman Campbell had taken pictures of the
gate and said that he thought the Board should re-consider their position regarding the placement of the gate. No letter has been received from Mr. Tessier, whose land the gate is on. Marcia will type the letter on Town letterhead and have it ready for the Board to discuss and sign at the next meeting.
Mr. Washburn left the meeting.
Other road issues brought up included:
Pot holes by Wally Laro’s on Bungy Road
Jason Young has complained about the intersection of Schoolhouse Road and Bungy Road and his neighbor’s driveway.
A Supplemental Intent to Cut was signed for Renaud Grandmaison.
A Veteran’s Tax Credit (first all-veteran credit we have received) was approved for Michael Dunham.
Scott DeBlois came to the meeting to discuss the Brady/Planning Board issue. Mr. DeBlois asked that the Board send a “clarification letter” to the Bradys regarding the issue of their building being “entirely” sided by the end of the year.
Mr. DeBlois also asked if the Board felt that the Planning Board should start tackling other “unfinished” structures in Town. He said that they were planning to put an ad in the newspaper stating that they will be addressing unfinished structures. Mr. DeBlois left the meeting.
On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board approved the minutes of the August 28, 2017 meeting.
Town Treasurer, Jennifer Wells, entered the meeting. She provided the Board with end of the month reports for both the Transfer Station Account and the Town’s accounts. Mrs. Wells informed the Board that she had spoken to Crystal Ouimette regarding the Deputy Treasurer position and that Mrs. Ouimette is interested. Mrs. Wells left the meeting.
The MS535 was reviewed and signed by the Board.
The MS60 was reviewed by the Board.
Assessor Steve Allen had requested, and been granted, an extension on the Town’s MS1 until September 30.
The Board reviewed a letter and report from George Sansoucy regarding utility values. The letter also addressed the issue of Fairpoint Communications. The Board decided that since we have an extension that this matter should wait until Selectman Stohl returns.
Marcia informed the Board that she would be temporarily changing the Town Office hours. An ad will be placed in both the local newspapers to inform residents. New hours will begin on September 25th and will be Monday through Friday from 10:00 to 4:00 daily.
Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen
by admin | Oct 17, 2017 | Board of Selectmen Minutes
Meeting began at 6:05 pm. Present were Selectmen Stohl, Campbell, and Cloutier. Members of the public present were Craig Washburn (Metallak ATV Club).
The minutes from September 13, 2017 were approved.
Checks and manifest were reviewed and signed.
Material from George Sansoucy was reviewed in regards to Eversource and Fairpoint. Selectmen agreed to use Sansoucy’s assessment figures for Fairpoint, and signed the MS-1. Attorney Jonathan Frizzell sent an email stating that this was out of his field of expertise, and recommended Attorney Chris Boldt from Meredith. The Board agreed with the recommendation. Selectman Stohl said he would contact Boldt to touch base with him.
Eric Stohl reviewed the letters received from taxpayers/residents regarding ATV usage from the last meeting. Mr. Washburn was on hand to discuss the situation, and has also reviewed the letters. The complaints were on the following roads: Kelsea Notch Road, Bungy Road, and Gray Road. Selectmen Stohl inquired if the ATV Club had any funds to repair the roads. Mr. Washburn stated that the Club had put $4950 into Kelsea Notch Road this year, and he is continuing to work with the State (Maggie) on funding. Mr. Washburn is aware that the road is getting washed out, and needs to be ditched, but states that he tries to only maintain the road, and that driveways would need to be fixed, so they aren’t washing into the road. After a lengthy discussion, Selectmen Stohl suggested a letter be drawn up to Metallak ATV Club to address these issues, and see if the Club is willing to do repair work on the roads. Selectmen Campbell agreed to draw up the letter. A copy of the letter will also be sent to Keith Smith. The Club meets the first Thursday of every month. Mr. Washburn left meeting at 6:55.
Treasurer, Jennifer Wells, entered meeting at 6:30. She reported her monthly statements, and Selectmen agreed on reports. The letter from Crane & Bell was reviewed and the Selectmen did mention to Mrs. Wells about balancing her accounts using Quickbooks. It was discussed that Mrs. Parkhurst, Town Clerk, uses Quickbooks, and Mrs. Wells balances her statements on paper, and that the two of them could discuss which works best for them. Mrs. Wells left at 7:15.
The letter from Crane & Bell also discussed taxes being taken out for election workers. Two out of the three requirements were met by the town, and the workers are handled as independent contractors.
An enforcement issue concerning Ryan Ouimette and the Planning Board was presented. After discussion, Selectmen Stohl suggested a letter be sent to Mr. Ouimette asking him to come in and discuss the issue in front of the Selectmen.
Selectman Cloutier signed the MS-434.
A letter to Jeremy Ward to remove his gate was presented and signed by the Selectmen.
A Road Liability Waiver for Lewis was signed, notarized, and witnessed.
A road issue of dust from Doma Watson was discussed. Also the potholes near Wally Laro’s, which Selectman Cloutier said was fixed.
An ad will be put in the newspaper requesting bids for plowing the Town Office and the Town Hall.
Selectman Stohl said he had been contacted by Ben Champagne to discuss plowing of the Transfer Station. Mr. Champagne should be sending an email out shortly regarding this.
Appointment forms for Fire Wardens was signed the Selectmen.
The Ski-Bees Trail Permission form was signed, and Gray Road was the only road they could think of to be utilized. Selectman Campbell was considering attending their Appreciation Dinner.
Selectman Stohl said he would contact Millard Crawford to run a new line up the flag pole, since the old rope broke.
Dispatch minutes and email from Selectman Campbell were discussed and the Community Action Report from DRA was reviewed.
Selectman Campbell was approached by Beverly White about using the old Bennett gift shop property for a store and small restaurant. The Selectmen agreed it would be best to let the townspeople decide upon this at town meeting.
The football field not being used was discussed. There are still goal posts on the field, and it has not been mowed. There is also some stuff left behind—a grill, frame, trailer, etc. It was suggested that a letter be sent to Dale McCoy asking if they could keep the field mowed, so it doesn’t look unattended, and if they could clean up their stuff left behind.
Cloutier Sand & Gravel was approached by C.N.Brown to see if they could fix Simms Stream Road after the propane truck accident this past week. Selectman Campbell approved, and Selectman Stohl seconded it. Cloutier was also told that C.N.Brown’s insurance would cover the bill for the fire departments, so there should be no bill for the town.
Respectfully Submitted,
Debra Deblois
by admin | Sep 21, 2017 | Board of Selectmen Minutes
Meeting began at 6:00 pm. Present were Selectmen Stohl, Cloutier, and Campbell.
Road Agent David Cloutier was also present and brought in 2 quotes for paving Trask Road: Central Paving bid at $30,000 and Dorman bid at $40,000. The Selectmen agreed on choosing Central Paving. He also discussed paving Titus Hill at a cost of $31,000 and repairing bridges on Bungy and Gray Road at a cost of $6350.
Selectman Stohl made Road Agent Cloutier aware of the problems cars are having passing over the culvert fixed on Marshall Hill. Selectman Cloutier and Campbell will be checking it out as well.
Wally Laro put in a complaint about potholes in front of his house on Bungy Road, and Road Agent Cloutier was well aware of them, and said they would be fixed before winter.
Treasurer Jennifer Wells entered meeting at 6:25 and presented her balances. Mrs. Wells told the board that she thought she had found an assistant, but that she had to decline. She will continue looking.
Public Hearing began at 7:00 pm on the Highway Block Grant. A motion was made by Selectman Campbell to spend $30,000 on paving Trask Road, and $5700 on guardrails on Bungy and Gray Roads. This was 2nd by Selectman Stohl. All voted, and all accepted the Highway Block Grant. Public Hearing adjourned at 7:05.
David Cloutier left the meeting at 7:05.
Selectman Stohl presented Selectman Campbell with a business card for Chuck Henderson, Special Assistant for Policy and Projects, who works under Jeanne Shaheen. Selectman Campbell said he would be in contact with him.
Jennifer Wells left at 7:20.
Jeremy Ward sent an email in asking if he could put a gate on South Jordan Hill, after Paul Tessier’s home, to discourage traffic from entering and disposing of their trash. After discussion, the Selectmen agreed he could put a gate under certain conditions:
- Gate CANNOT be locked at any time.
- Before erecting gate, Selectmen would need written permission from the landowner. (For instance, if it is on Paul Tessier’s land, then they would need a letter from him giving his permission.)
- The gate must be 14 feet wide.
- The gate will be maintained by the landowner. (Or by whoever the landowner gives permission to.)
Bids were looked at for the Town’s fuel as follows:
- N. Brown–$1.819
- Bean —–$1.889
Selectman Campbell made a motion to accept C. Bean’s bid, and Selectman Stohl 2nd.
Bev White’s Vision Statement was presented regarding a business venture she is working on. The Selectmen agreed upon drafting a letter regarding this matter.
As a reminder, Bev White will be using the Town Hall on Thursday, August 24 at 6:30 for a meeting.
A letter to Selectman Stohl, from Melinda and Randall Gray regarding their neighborhood, was accepted and addressed.
Meeting adjourned 8:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Debra DeBlois
by admin | Aug 29, 2017 | Board of Selectmen Minutes
AUGUST 9, 2017
Meeting began at 6:05 pm. Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell.
Road Agent David Cloutier came in to the meeting to discuss the following:
- Work on the Bungy Road Bridge (near Stoddard Road) is completed.
- One culvert on Bungy Road still needs to be done.
- Work is ongoing on Currier Hill.
- Culvert on Marshall Hill will be done tomorrow.
- Big culvert on Meridan Hill Road will be done this fall.
- Quotes have been received for paving Trask Road from Dorman and Gray. Still waiting for Blak Top and Central. Estimate to be around $40,000.00.
- David White will be doing the roadside mowing.
- Discussed the additional Block Grant money received from the State and where to spend it. Public hearing will be held on Wednesday, August 23rd, @ 7:00. Marcia will put a notice in the newspaper. Perhaps could use it for paving on Titus Hill Road.
Mr. Cloutier left the meeting.
Malcolm Washburn came to the meeting to discuss his recent Yield Tax bill. Mr. Washburn asked again if the Board would be willing to use the same percentage as last year and explained that part of the cutting involved very long “skids” – perhaps a mile. After discussion, the Board suggested that they split the difference and bill the job at 50% instead of the 33% Mr. Washburn was requesting and the 83% that it was originally billed at. Mr. Washburn agreed to this and the Board signed an Abatement Form in the amount of $1,058.85. Mr. Washburn left the meeting at 6:30 pm.
Keith Smith entered the meeting at 6:35 pm. Mr. Smith wished to express his concern over the use of Kelsea Notch Road as part of the ATV trail. Mr. Smith’s concerns were:
- Knows it is a Class VI Town Road but who is responsible for fixing it after the ATVs have damaged it.
- Camp owners have put a lot of money into the road (with the Town’s permission) and don’t want to have to do it again
- He believed that when the Town gave the ATV Club permission to use the road that it was going to be a temporary thing only.
The Board instructed Mr. Smith to get in touch with the other camp owners on the road and have them write letters expressing their concerns about the use of the road as part of the ATV trail. The Board will then pass these concerns onto the Club to see if they can come up with a better solution. Mr. Smith thanked the Board for their cooperation and left the meeting at 6:50 pm.
Beverly White and Britni Haley entered the meeting at 7:00 pm. They came to speak with the Board regarding a business venture they are working on. Ms. White and Ms. Haley left the meeting at 7:35 pm.
A letter was signed to be sent to Bernard Routhier regarding his farm’s trucks crossing the Columbia Covered Bridge.
Mail was reviewed.
Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.
On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board approve the minutes of the July 26, 2017 meeting.
Selectman Campbell reminded the rest of the Board that there is a dispatch committee meeting tomorrow night at 5:30 in Canaan.
A Current Use Application was approved for Donald & Stacey Campbell.
A Land Use Change Tax form and warrant were signed for Robert Anderson.
Marcia informed the Board that she had sent out letters to CN Brown and C. Bean for quotes on oil. The bids will be opened at the next meeting.
Treasurer Jennifer Wells entered the meeting at 7:55 pm. Mrs. Wells gave the Board her report for the month of July and updated the Board on money currently on hand. Mrs. Wells informed the Board that she is still working on getting a Deputy and thinks that she has someone that is interested and would do a good job. Mrs. Wells left the meeting at 8:10 pm.
Marcia reminded the Board that we will need to put out for bid plowing the Town Office and Town Hall. Also, the Board needs to meet with Stewartstown to come up with specifications for plowing the Transfer Station so that can go out for bid also. On another note, the winter plowing contract is in its third year and we will need to put this out for bid the beginning of January.
Selectman Cloutier said that he had been approached by Donald Dostie about going across the Town’s land (by the Town Hall) in order to get to the ATV trail. The Board discussed the fact that the ATV Club had asked about this but the Town wouldn’t give permission until the State approved the Route 3 crossing. Due to the fact that this is not an established trail and that it would fall back on the Town if anything should happen, the Board decided that they would not give Mr. Dostie permission to ride his ATV on the Town’s property.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen