by admin | Aug 19, 2019 | Board of Selectmen Minutes
Meeting began at 6:00 pm. Present were Selectmen Stohl and Campbell. Selectman Cloutier was absent.
Mail was reviewed.
Checks and manifests were signed.
The Warrant for the lst Property Tax Installment for 2019 was signed. Bills will be going out next week.
On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Stohl, the Board approved the minutes of the May 8, 2019 meeting.
Bids were opened for mowing at the Town Hall and Town Office as follows:
Yetti Yard Man $1,900.00
Boire Property Management $2,000.00
No Sweatt Mowing $1,500.00
On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Campbell, the Board voted to award the bid to No Sweatt Mowing. Marcia will write letters to all three bidders.
On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Campbell, the Board voted to defer discussion on the Great North Woods Center for the Arts tax-exempt application until the full Board was present.
The Board discussed paying Stacey Campbell for her time, expenses, etc. incurred with landscaping at the Town Office. Mrs. Campbell will be submitting a bill.
Selectman Campbell asked Marcia to draft a letter to Chris Gamache (Trails Bureau) in support of monies to be given to the North Country ATV Club to repair washouts, etc. on So. Jordan Hill Road, which is used as part of the trail. Marcia will draft a letter and e-mail it to the Board for their approval.
Selectman Campbell reviewed with Selectman Stohl discussions that took place at the last Dispatch Center meeting.
At 6:34 Melissa Elander from Clean Energy NH entered the meeting. Ms. Elander gave the Board a brief presentation on what her organization does and specifically what she does for Towns. The Board asked if the old Bovill gift shop would qualify for any sort of energy upgrades. Ms. Elander said she would look into it and also perhaps upgrading lights at the Town Office to LED. Ms. Elander left the meeting at 6:50 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen
by admin | May 24, 2019 | Board of Selectmen Minutes
Meeting began at 6:00 pm. Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell.
Mail was reviewed.
Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.
At 6:11 pm Juli Duranty-Ward entered the meeting. Mrs. Ward and her husband own a camp on the Class VI portion of So. Jordan Hill Road. She shared with the Board pictures that she had taken of the condition of the road. She and her husband want to do some work on the road and are hoping that the other camp owners on the road will help contribute to the cost. The main items that they are interested in doing are replacing culverts and ditching. The Board suggested that the Wards contact Ted Burns (North Country ATV Club) since they are using the road as part of the ATV trail, they should help with the costs of repair. The Board granted the Wards permission to do the work but asked that they keep the Town informed about what they are doing and if the Club helps with the work. Mrs. Ward left the meeting at 6:50 pm.
On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Campbell, at 6:52 pm the Board voted to recess the regular meeting in order to conduct the public hearing on amending the Town’s Pole and Conduit License.
Petitioner Stacey Campbell was present and spoke in favor of the amendment. Selectman Stohl read out loud to the meeting letters received from Eversource and New Hampshire Electric Cooperative regarding the proposed amendment. There being no further discussion, on a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Stohl, Chairman Cloutier declared the public hearing officially closed at 7:10 pm.
On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Stohl, the Board voted to re-convene the regular meeting at 7:11 pm.
On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Campbell, the Board voted to amend the Town’s Pole and Conduit License as drafted.
Road issues were discussed as follows:
Check for missing road signs/poles.
Meridan Hill (after Turner Road)
So. Jordan Hill Road
Discussed weight limits – perhaps change these for another year
Mail was reviewed.
Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.
A Road Liability Waiver was signed for Anthony Pilat/Diane Ufnal.
Town Treasurer Jennifer Wells entered the meeting at 7:22 pm and reviewed for the Board current monies on hand in the NHPDIP account, Citizens Bank checking account and the Transfer Station Account.
On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Campbell, the Board approved the minutes of the April 24, 2019 meeting.
An Intent to Excavate form was approved for Clark Jeffers, Jr.
Marcia reminded the Board about the meeting on Friday, May 10th, @ 1:00 with the Colebrook Selectmen, DOT, and the Metallak ATV Club.
On a motion made by Selectman Cloutier and seconded by Selectman Campbell, the Board voted to accept the Tax Collector’s Deed for property owned by the Stanton Heirs. Marcia explained to the Board that Attorney Frizzell will be recording this deed, along with an affidavit and a death certificate for Walter Stanton at the Coos County Registry of Deeds. He is
also preparing a letter to be given to any prospective bidders to make them aware of the status of the title to the property. Once that is done, the Town can put the property out for bid.
Marcia informed the Board about a phone call she had received from the Coos County Registry of Deeds regarding Sandra Tremblay. Marcia will write a memo about the conversation and place it in Mrs. Tremblay’s file.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen
by admin | May 10, 2019 | Board of Selectmen Minutes
Meeting began at 6:00 pm. Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell.
On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board approved the minutes of the March 13, 2019 meeting.
Mail was reviewed.
On a motion made by Selectman Cloutier and seconded by Selectman Stohl, the Board voted to enter non-public session per RSA 91-A:3, paragraph (c) at 6:18 pm. On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Campbell, the Board voted to return to public session at 6:31 pm.
Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.
Marcia informed the Board that she had spoken to SDI Signs from Jefferson regarding the Town installing signs at both the north and south ends of Town. Ms. MacKillop will be sending us a couple of sketches for our review along with a quote.
The MS232 (Report of Appropriations Voted) was signed by the Board.
The Town website has been recently updated by Roxanne Herres and looks really nice. She has added the 2018 Town Report (2014 – 2018 are on the site). Also, added Debbie as new Tax Collector and all three Selectmen’s names. At the present time, there are Minutes of Selectmen’s meetings dating back to 2012. It was decided that keeping only two years back would be sufficient. All other minutes are on file at the Town Office.
A letter was sent to Mike Ouellet after the last meeting asking him to come in and discuss the proposed ATV trail on Sims Stream Road. No answer from him has been received. Selectman Campbell stated that he
had received a message from Metallak ATV Club President Craig Washburn and that he had called and left two messages but hadn’t gotten a response. Selectman Campbell stated that he thinks we should write to Ted Burns (of the No. Stratford) Club and ask him to come in to discuss So. Jordan Hill Road. The other Board members agreed. Marcia will send Mr. Burns a letter.
Selectman Cloutier stated that he had put up some of the “road ban/temperature signs” even though the State hasn’t put theirs up yet. Marcia will put a notice in next week’s newspaper.
The Board reviewed a list of properties to be deeded to the Town by Tax Collector Debra DeBlois on April lst for unpaid 2016 taxes. Marcia gave the Board an updated on what was outstanding for each taxpayer and if they had gotten in contact with the Town. On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Campbell, the Board voted to not accept a Tax Deed on a mobile home now or formerly owned by Billy Lesperance due to the fact that an estate has never been filed for this individual and it would cause an undue hardship for the Town.
An Engagement Letter for the 2018 compilation was signed by Chairman Cloutier for Crane & Bell. It was noted that they conducted the compilation last week.
A letter to the Coos Animal Sanctuary was signed.
The Equalization Ratio numbers were reviewed. It was noted that the ratio is 91% but that we are in the fourth year of our five year cyclical review. Marcia will share these numbers with Assessor Steve Allen.
Letters were reviewed from Donahue, Tucker & Ciandella (attorneys for the Town in the Fairpoint case) regarding the need for the Town to update our pole/conduit license policy. Selectman Stohl said he would come to the office tomorrow to review the information and let Marcia know what steps need to be taken.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen
by admin | May 10, 2019 | Board of Selectmen Minutes
Meeting began at 6:02 pm. Present were Selectmen Cloutier and Campbell. Selectman Stohl arrived at 6:26 pm. Members of the public present were Craig Washburn (Metallak ATV Club) and Charlie Jordan (Great North Woods Center for the Arts).
Mail was reviewed
Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.
Craig Washburn entered the meeting at 6:02 pm. Mr. Washburn and the Board discussed the status of the rail bed right of way and Sims Stream Road being part of the ATV trail. A letter was signed by the Board to be sent to the Trail Bureau expressing support for the use of the rail bed as part of the trail. Selectman Stohl suggested that an actual meeting between the State (DOT), the Trails Bureau, the Town and the Club would be helpful to make sure everyone is on the same page. The Board asked if the Club would be willing to provide gravel to help repair some of the damage done by ATVs to the Town’s roads. Mr. Washburn left the meeting at 6:59 pm.
On a motion made by Selectman Cloutier and seconded by Selectman Stohl, the Board voted to enter non-public session per RSA 91-A:3, paragraph II (c) at 7:01 pm. On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board voted to return to public session at 7:15 pm.
An Intent to Cut for Molly Campbell was approved.
At 7:28 pm Charlie Jordan entered the meeting. Mr. Jordan presented the Board with paperwork to support the Great North Woods Center for the Arts’ application for tax-exempt status regarding property taxes. The Board
told Mr. Jordan that they would review all of the information at their next meeting. Mr. Jordan gave the Board a brief presentation on upcoming activities at the center including the Easter Egg Hunt, etc. Mr. Jordan left the meeting at 8:00 pm.
The Board reviewed a quote and sketches from SDI signs in Jefferson for Town signs to be placed at the north and south ends of Town. Marcia will contact SDI and see if they can provide us with a darker copy of the sketch the Board picked out.
A e-mail was received from Melissa Hall from the Colebrook Public Library asking for permission to use the football field on August 2nd or 3rd for “star gazing” as part of their summer reading program. After discussion, the Board instructed Marcia to e-mail Ms. Hall with the application for using Town premises. Marcia will also inquire as to the Library’s liability insurance.
Selectman Cloutier said he had been approached by Forrest Hicks regarding use of No. Jordan Hill Road while the road bans were on. Mr. Hicks stated that he would be willing to provide a bond to cover any damage done by his operation. On a motion made by Selectman Cloutier and seconded by Selectman Stohl, the Board voted to allow Mr. Hicks to use the road after obtaining a bond.
Selectman Campbell told the other Board members that he had received a letter from Heidi Lawton (Department of Emergency Management) regarding the CERT trailer that is currently still at Richard Johnsen’s. Ms. Lawton will be picking it up and taking it to Concord for inventory. Selectman Cloutier will be part of a conference call regarding this matter on Friday morning.
On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board voted to enter non-public session per RSA 91-A:3. paragraph II (e) at 8:09 pm.
On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Campbell, the Board voted to return to public session at 8:15 pm
The Board set a public hearing for Wednesday, May 8th, at 7:00 pm. to amend the Town’s Pole and Conduit License procedure..
Meeting adjourned at 8:37 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen
by admin | May 10, 2019 | Board of Selectmen Minutes
Meeting began at 6:00 pm. Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell.
Mail was reviewed
Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.
At 6:03 pm Fire Chief Brett Brooks entered the meeting. Chief Brooks expressed concerned regarding life safety code violations at the Great North Woods Center for the Arts. He informed the Board that the Center had requested an “assembly permit” from him and that he had refused. Under State law, in a Town without a fire department, the Board of Selectmen can issue an “assembly permit” but it is his recommendation that the Board not do this. Chief Brooks went on to say that concerts outside should be okay since a licensed electrician had checked those circuits and found them to be okay. After discussion, the Board instructed Marcia to draft a letter to the State Fire Marshall expressing concern about possible life safety issues in the three buildings. Chief Brooks left the meeting at 6:30 pm.
At 6:32 pm Ted Burns from the North Country ATV Club entered the meeting. Mr. Burns showed the Board members a map depicting the new ATV trail on So. Jordan Hill Road. The new route will not utilize the Town road. Mr. Burns said that the Club has applied for grant monies to help build the new trail. The Board decided to send a letter to the Trails Bureau in favor of this application. Mr. Burns left the meeting at 6:41 pm.
Intent to Excavate forms were signed for Pike Industries (4) and Norman Cloutier.
Marcia informed the Board that we had received a check from Hicks Logging as a “bond” for any road damage that they might do during their recent timber cutting operation on No. Jordan Hill Road. Marcia will send the check back to Hicks once the operation is completed.
A Junkyard Permit (renewal) for Harry Haynes, Jr. was signed.
Marcia asked for permission to place an ad in the newspaper requesting bids for mowing the Town Office and Town Hall this summer. Bids will be opened at the meeting on May 22nd.
Marcia informed the Board that all the 2016 property taxes have been paid. At the present, there are only 2017 and 2018 taxes due for a total of around $70,000.00.
At the next meeting, we will hold the public hearing on amending the Town’s Pole and Conduit License. All utility companies have been notified as required.
Marcia informed the Board that she had received a complaint about ATVs riding on Wallace Road. The Board will contact the person involved.
An e-mail was reviewed from the Manchester Motorcycle Club regarding the Blessing of the Bikes to be held on June 21st – 23rd. Marcia will e-mail the Vice President back with answers to her questions. With the GNWCA starting to hold events, the Board discussed drafting a policy to address vendors, outside concerts, etc. Marcia will see if any other Towns have policies.
An e-mail was received from Melissa Hall (Children’s Librarian at Colebrook Public Library) regarding the “star gazing” activity that they wish to hold on the football field in August. Ms. Hall was concerned about if the field would be mowed. Marcia was instructed to e-mail her back and tell her that the Town will take care of that.
Marcia informed the Board that she had e-mailed SDI Signs in Jefferson and they will provide us with a more detailed sketch of the proposed Town sign. Once that is done, we can decide on colors, etc.
At 7:12 pm Allen Coats (Stewartstown Selectman) entered the meeting. Mr. Coats came to discuss some Transfer Station issues. After much discussion, it was agreed to put the “fence” on hold for the time being. Mr. Coats stated that the rest of his Board would be in agreement with this.
Marcia informed the Board that on May 2nd, the Stanton/Sweatt property will be ready for tax deeding. After the deed is accepted by the Board, the property will be put out for bid.
Stacey Campbell entered the meeting to discuss removing the cedar trees in the front of the building which have gotten quite large. Stacey reviewed for the Board members what her plans were as far as landscaping the front of the building. The Board agreed to remove the cedar trees.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen