by admin | Sep 26, 2019 | Board of Selectmen Minutes
Meeting began at 6:00 pm. Present were Selectmen Cloutier and Stohl. Selectman Campbell was absent.
Mail was reviewed.
Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.
A thank you card was received from the Colebrook Public Library for the use of the football field as part of the “star gazing” program.
An Intent to Cut was approved for Dennis Tewksbury.
A Yield Tax Warrant in the amount of $802.23 was signed.
A Road Liability Waiver was signed for Gary Newcombe.
A letter from NH DOT was received informing the Town that the State is holding public hearings regarding the State Ten-Year Transportation Plan.
On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board approved the minutes of the August 29th meeting.
Brush hogging the football field was discussed. Selectman Cloutier will contact David White to see if he is interested in doing it.
The Board discussed possible road projects:
Paving Titus Hill Road (by Boudle’s)
Culverts on Bungy Road (by Washburn’s)
Marcia told the Board that she had received a complaint from Rick Johnsen about water running down the road near his driveway.
Meeting adjourned at 6:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen
by admin | Aug 19, 2019 | Board of Selectmen Minutes
Meeting began at 6:00 pm. Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell. Members of the public present: Tax Collector Debra DeBlois, Town Treasurer Jennifer Wells, Sandra Tremblay, Allen Coats (Stewartstown Board of Selectmen) and Amy Savard.
Mail was reviewed.
Checks and manifests were signed.
An Intent to Cut for Carolyn Foss was approved.
Mrs. Sandra Tremblay entered the meeting at 6:05 pm. Mrs. Tremblay had many questions regarding the tax lien/tax deed process, etc. Selectman Stohl explained that the assessment of properties in the State are based on “market value”. Mrs. Tremblay was concerned that her tax bill said “6 Marshall Hill Road” but that her deed didn’t indicate that. Selectman Campbell explained that the “911” address had nothing to do with the tax bill and/or assessment. At 6:43 the Board asked Mrs. Tremblay if she could leave the meeting and return in a few minutes as they had other people to speak with. Mrs. Tremblay left the meeting and waited in the lobby area.
At 6:45 Amy Savard and Allen Coats entered the meeting. Ms. Savard and her husband have a trash business. They pick up trash for approximately 85 – 90 customers in Stewartstown, Lemington and Columbia. In the past few months, the Transfer Station has left the gate unlocked and they were able to enter after hours to dump and then locked the gate when they left. Recently, they spoke with Ben Champagne and Mr. Champagne indicated that they would no longer have access after hours. This is creating a hardship for their business because if they don’t make it to the Transfer Station before they close, they have to take the truckload of trash home and keep it until the next morning or until Monday morning. They are
requesting to have access after hours. After discussion, Selectman Stohl made a motion, which was seconded by Selectman Cloutier, to award them access. Mr. Coats indicated that Ms. Savard will be attending Monday night’s Stewartstown Selectboard Meeting and that he believes that they will vote to grant them access also. After that happens, one representative from the Columbia Board and one representative from the Stewartstown Board will meet with Ben Champagne and get the matter straightened out. The Board informed Ms. Savard that they will get back to her after they meet with Mr. Champagne. Ms. Savard and Mr. Coats left the meeting.
At 7:10 Town Treasurer Jennifer Wells entered the meeting to present the Board will a report of monies on hand as of June 30, 2019. Now that the majority of the tax money has been received, monies have been transferred from the regular checking account to the NHPDIP account in order to receive a better interest rate. Mrs. Wells left the meeting.
At 7:39 pm, Mrs. Tremblay re-entered the meeting and continued her discussion with the Board. She requested a print-out of what is owed by her for property taxes and stated she would pick it up tomorrow. Mrs. Tremblay indicated that she planned on making a payment on her taxes and would like to attend the next meeting to ask some more questions. Mrs. Tremblay left the meeting at 8:00 pm.
The PA28 form was signed by the Board. This form indicates that the Town will not be using the State inventory forms this year.
A Supplemental Property Tax Warrant was signed in the amount of $1,288.00 along with a refund check in that same amount for Norman Cloutier. Mr. Cloutier’s tax bill included the cell tower which is on his property which should have been billed to Wireless Partners. Marcia indicated that she had contacted DRA about to handle this matter.
A Supplemental Yield Tax Warrant in the amount of $3,310.58 was signed by the Board.
A Supplmental Land Use Change Tax Warrant was signed in the amount of $3,530.00.
A Road Liability Form was signed for Jeremy Lambert.
Marcia informed the Board that she had received an e-mail from SDI Signs in Jefferson and they have started work on our Town line signs.
Marcia informed the Board that she had received a request from a Gray Road resident to have a “speed limit” sign placed on the road. The Board discussed it and decided to not install a sign since there is no way to enforce it.
Marcia told the Board that she had been corresponding with Melissa Elander from Clean Energy. The person who will be doing the energy audit on the Bovill building won’t be available until October or November. The person doing the LED lighting audit for the Town Office has not contacted us yet.
A deed was signed transferring the former “Stanton Heirs” property to the Sweatt family as per the winning bid that they had placed for the property. Marcia said she had contacted them and told them the deed was ready as soon as they pay the remainder of the bid price. An Abatement Form was signed by the Board abating the 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 taxes.
A quote was received from No Sweatt Mowing (Dwane Sweatt) for mowing the cemeteries for the remainder of the year. The Board discussed it and on a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Campbell, the Board voted to have Mr. Sweatt do the job. Marcia will send a letter to Mr. Sweatt informing him of the Board’s decision.
An e-mail was received from CAI Technologies informing the Board that while updating the Town’s maps that the “town line” had been moved slightly. Marcia will contact CAI and see where the documentation came from and if they would be willing to meet with the Board to discuss this change.
The former Falcucci property was discussed. Marcia informed the Board that per the Board’s discussion at the last meeting, she had written to the
person who had held a mortgage at the time the Town took possession of the property. This individual had asked that he be notified if the Town decided to sell it. The letter that was sent was returned by the Post Office as “undeliverable”. The Board instructed Marcia to contact Mr. & Mrs. Archambault and informed them that the Board would be willing to sell the property for $20,000.00.
The Board discussed the recent meeting that was held with the Deputy State Fire Marshal and representatives of the GNWCA. No written report has been received from the Fire Marshal’s office.
Meeting adjourned at 8:33 pm.
Respectefully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen
by admin | Aug 19, 2019 | Board of Selectmen Minutes
Meeting began at 6:00 pm. Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell. Members of the public present: Melissa Elander (Clean Energy NH), Bob Baker, Vernon Smith and Aaron Smith.
Mail was reviewed.
Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.
Melissa Elander (Clean Energy NH) came to the meeting to inform the Board that the Town of Columbia does have enough energy usage to qualify for the program with Eversource to replace all the lights in the Town Office with LED lights. She will e-mail Marcia the information so that we can get started. She also said that the Town would qualify for an energy audit for the old Bovill Gift Shop building. This would cost the Town nothing but would provide some suggestions for the building. On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Campbell the Board voted to go ahead with both projects. Ms. Elander left the building.
Bob Baker entered the meeting to discuss with the Board the possibility of obtaining a grant to use the railroad bed as a hiking trail. The Board explained to Mr. Baker that the line is currently “active” and that from talking to the State about using the line for ATVs, they had been informed that the State was undertaking a study of all rail lines. However, the Board had no objection to Mr. Baker looking into it and getting back to them on what information he finds. Mr. Baker left the meeting.
Vernon Smith and Aaron Smith entered the meeting. They presented the Board with petitions signed by many residents on Meridan Hill Road asking for permission to use the Town road as an “access” to the trail system. They explained that at the present time, many residents don’t have access to the trail. Several items were discussed including:
- Speed – Selectman Stohl suggested 10 mph
- Signage
- To be used for trail access only – not “visiting” in the neighborhood.
- Selectman Campbell stated that he would like to see “everyone” on the road included – even if they don’t agree have something signed saying that.
- Is there another way to go? They could go over Selectman Cloutier’s land and land owned by Timothy Frizzell (Lemington Logging). Aaron Smith stated that they had not spoken with Mr. Frizzell.
At 6:45 Mr. Vernon Smith and Mr. Aaron Smith left the meeting with the direction from the Board that they try to work with Mr. Frizzell and that they also get input (in writing either petition, etc) from everyone on the road.
A phone call was placed to Timothy Frizzell by Selectman Cloutier asking if he would be willing to let the people on Meridan Hill Road use approximately 400 feet of his property as an access trail to the main trail. Mr. Frizzell gave his permission. Selectman Stohl placed a call to Aaron Smith and informed him that they had just spoken to Mr. Frizzell and that they could use his property.
The Board signed a letter to be sent to Janeanne Pike (Roger Young’s daughter) asking that they return the Boston Post Cane to the Town.
Marcia asked the Board what their plan was to mow the cemeteries for the remainder of the year since Sheila Parkhurst had resigned. Marcia was instructed to call Duane Sweatt to see if he was interested in doing them.
The Board reviewed and signed a letter drafted by Attorney Jon Frizzell to be sent to the GNWCA regarding their request for tax exempt status.
Marcia reminded the Board that there is a meeting with the State Fire Marshal on Wednesday, July 17th, at 10:30 to view the buildings on the former Shrine property.
Marcia told the Board that she had received a request from Charlie Jordan to use the Town Hall on Sunday, July 14th, for a concert if it should rain. After discussion, the Board instructed Marcia to contact Charlie and Donna Jordan and inform them that the Town Hall will not be available for use by the group due to existing septic/water issues connected with the building.
A Yield Tax Warrant in the amount of $10,633.11 was signed by the Board.
A Land Use Change Warrant in the amount of $4,170.00 was signed by the board.
On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Cloutier the minutes of the June 26th meeting were approved with changes.
The Board reviewed a letter from auditors, Crane & Bell, regarding deposit issues, etc. A phone call was placed to Treasurer Jennifer Wells and a message was left.
The Board discussed a request from Greg & Nancy Archambault to purchase property owned by the Town on Bungy Road (former Falcucci property). The Board decided on an asking price of $20,000.00. Marcia informed the Board that when we took the property, there was a mortgage on it. The mortgage holder had requested that if the Town ever decided to sell the property that he be given a chance to purchase it. Marcia will write him a letter and see if he is still interested before getting back to the Archambaults.
The Board discussed two amendments to the Regional Dispatch Center agreement. A statement was signed indicating that Columbia agrees to these to changes. There will be no Dispatch Center meeting in July. The next meeting will be held in August.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen
by admin | Aug 19, 2019 | Board of Selectmen Minutes
Meeting began at 5:58 pm. Present were Selectmen Cloutier and Campbell. Selectman Stohl was absent. Members of the public present: Joey Sweatt.
Mail was reviewed.
Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.
The Board members opened sealed bids received for the tax deeded property known as the Stanton Heirs property. Bids were received as follows:
Sandon Sierad $ 800.00
Joey Sweatt $2,613.00
On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board voted to award the bid to Joey Sweatt. Mr. Sweatt gave the Town a check for the 10% deposit. Marcia will prepare the deed for the Board to sign at the next meeting.
Marcia informed the Board that she had received an e-mail from Attorney Jon Frizzell regarding the paperwork dropped off by Mrs. Tremblay. Attorney Frizzell stated no action was necessary.
Marcia informed the Board that she had also received a phone call from Attorney Frizzell regarding the application by the Great North Woods Center for the Arts for tax-exempt status. Attorney Frizzell said he would have some questions and suggestions ready for the next meeting.
Two road complaints that have been received:
Rocks on Gray Road – very sharp and resident is afraid she will cut a tire.
Carolyn Foss – concerned about her culvert – is it her responsibility or the Town’s to clean out.
A letter was received from Sheila Parkhurst resigning her position of mowing the cemeteries as of June 30th due to medical reasons. The Board will look into someone else finishing it for the year. Ms. Parkhurst indicated that she would still take care of burials if the Town wanted her to.
A letter was signed to be sent to Eversource denying their abatement application for 2018 per recommendation from George Sansoucy.
Application for Forest Land Reimbursement for the Nash Stream property was signed.
At 6:30 pm Charlie Jordan and Nancy Smith entered the meeting. Mr. Jordan informed the Board that he is a member of Colebrook’s 250th Celebration Committee. It was suggested at a recent meeting, that Columbia and Stewartstown might be interested in doing something also. Discussion continued as to when Columbia was actually founded or incorporated? The Selectmen said that they would discuss it further and let him know if they were interested. Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Smith left the meeting at 6:43 pm.
On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board approved the minutes of the June 12, 2019 meeting.
At the previous meeting, Marcia had informed the Board that she had been approached by Mr.& Mrs. Gregory Archambault regarding purchasing the former Falcucci property which the Town took for taxes in 2015. The Archambault have recently purchased the abutting property (formerly owned by Carmelina Falcucci). This was a 12.08 acre parcel which they purchased for $33,000. (The Town had it assessed for $26,600.) It was decided to wait until the next meeting for the entire Board to be present for the discussion.
Treasurer Jennifer Wells entered the meeting at 6:54 pm and presented the Board will up-to-date figures on the NHPDIP and Citizens Bank accounts.
An e-mail was received from Melissa Elander (NH Clean Energy) with information for the Board on LED lighting, etc. The Board tabled the discussion until the next meeting.
The Board reviewed Report of Wood Cut forms and assigned the appropriate “percentage” to each one.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen
by admin | Aug 19, 2019 | Board of Selectmen Minutes
Meeting began at 6:05 pm. Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell.
Mail was reviewed.
Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.
Intent to Cut forms were approved for Anibal Pires, Jr., Kristen Gardner and Heather Baillargeon.
Melissa Elander from Clean Energy came into the meeting at 6:10 pm. Ms. Elander informed the Board of three different programs that the Town might take advantage of regarding upgrading of lighting at the Town Office. Ms. Elander left the Board with information regarding each program. She said that she would check with Eversource to see if the Town Office used enough electricity to qualify for these programs and get back to us. Ms. Elander left the meeting.
On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Stohl, the Board approved the minutes of the May 22, 2019 meeting.
The Board discussed the application from the Great North Woods Committee for the Arts for tax exempt status. The Board instructed Marcia to send the information to Attorney Jon Frizzell for his input on whether or not the application should be approved.
Marcia informed the Board that Heidi Lawton (State of NH Emergency Management) was in to remind the Board that the LOEP was due to be updated. She stated that there are grant monies available. Selectman Campbell said he would contact her.
A Road Liability Waiver was signed for Travis Felch for So. Jordan Hill Road.
A Driveway Permit Application was received from Jeremy Lambert on Jackson Road. Selectman Cloutier said he would view the site.
Selectman Campbell reminded the Board members that there is a Northern Borders Dispatch meeting tomorrow night at 5:30 pm in Stewartstown.. He reviewed a proposed amendment to the Dispatch Agreement that will be discussed.
On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Campbell, the Board approved purchasing two “Town” signs to be installed at the north and south ends of Town. Marcia will contact SDI Signs in Jefferson and place the order. The Board discussed where to place the signs.
The Board signed letters to be sent to each utility company located in Columbia asking for information to be sent to George Sansoucy for valuation purposes.
Marcia informed the Board that with the passing of Roger Young, the Town would have to look for the next oldest citizen in Town to present the Boston Post Cane to. Mr. Young’s family will need to be contacted in order to get the cane back.
The MS535 and the MS60 were reviewed and signed. Marcia will file these forms with DRA.
Marcia informed the Board that she had been contacted by Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Archambault about purchasing the tax-deeded property formerly owned by Angelo Falcucci on Bungy Road. The Archambaults have purchased the property that was formerly owned by Carmelina Falcucci. Marcia will do some research regarding the property and it will be discussed at the next meeting.
The Board reviewed information regarding the sale of tax-deeded property formerly owned by the Stanton Heirs. They reviewed a letter from Attorney Jon Frizzell that he suggests be given to each bidder detailing the history of the property along with a copy of the title search. Marcia will place an ad in
the newspaper and sealed bids will be due on June 26th. The Board will open all bids received during their regular meeting that night.
Planning Board Chairman Scott DeBlois entered the meeting to inform the Board that the Planning Board would be filing a “Cease & Desist” order against the Great North Woods Center for the Arts for failure to adhere to their site plan. Mr. DeBlois said he would be contacting Attorney Jon Frizzell tomorrow and would like something in place before the Motorcycle Blessing next weekend. Areas of concern are parking, police coverage, pedestrian crossing of Route 3, etc.
Summer Road projects were discussed. Selectman Cloutier shared a list of possible projects to be done. Grading has been started.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen