by admin | Jan 17, 2021 | Board of Selectmen Minutes
Meeting began at 6:00 pm. Present were Selectman Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell. Members of the public present: Sandra Tremblay.
Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.
On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Campbell the Board approved the minutes of the October 28, 2020 meeting.
Mail was reviewed.
Marcia explained to the Board that the Colebrook Town Clerk has been closed due to COVID-19. During the last two weeks, we have been processing registrations for their residents if necessary. Once the Colebrook Town Clerk is back to work, we will settle up on motor vehicle fees,
The Board was reminded that there will be a Dispatch Center meeting tomorrow night. Selectman Campbell explained that they are trying to set it up as a ZOOM meeting and he would be e-mailing the other Board members the link.
The Board discussed complaints regarding two property owners who have numerous “unregistered” vehicles on their property. Marcia will draft a letter for the Board to review to be sent to both property owners.
Marcia explained to the Board that she was interested in applying for a CARES Grant through the Secretary of State’s office that is available to help Towns with the unexpected costs of processing so many absentee ballots during the election. On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Stohl, the Board voted to accept in accordance
with RSA 21-P:43, a sub-grant from the New Hampshire Secretary of State and the CARES Act to be used for the purpose of processing absentee ballots in excess of those cast in 2016 in the Town of Columbia and further to designate the Town Clerk, Marcia Parkhurst, as authorized agent to sign the grant agreement and reimbursement request form on behalf of the Town.
Selectman Stohl informed the other Board members that he had received a phone call from Keith Smith regarding Kelsea Notch Road (a Class VI road). A property owner has been doing work on their driveway and has changed the slope of the driveway in such a way that it will wash out the Town road if we have a lot of rain and/or snow melt. Also, some of the gravel they have put on their driveway has been placed on the road itself. The Board reviewed the tax map and Selectman Stohl said he had viewed the site personally. Marcia will draft a letter to be sent to the homeowner asking them to adjust the slope so no damage will be done to the road and that the road itself be restored to the way it was.
At 6:43 pm Sandra Tremblay entered the meeting. Mrs. Tremblay has been doing some research on tax laws and questioned if the Town had the authority to tax her property. The discussion continued with Mrs. Tremblay refusing to understand what the Board was saying. Selectman Stohl asked Mrs. Tremblay if her husband (co-owner Norman Tremblay) was aware of the fact that if the property taxes on their property are not paid, then the Town will have to take action and take the property by tax deed. Mrs. Tremblay responded that he was aware of the fact and that he had witnessed her doing research into State laws for the last two years. At 7:30 Selectman Stohl made a motion which was seconded by Selectman Campbell to end this meeting with Mrs. Tremblay. Motion passed and Mrs. Tremblay left the meeting at 7:35 pm.
The Board discussed changing the next meeting from Wednesday, November 25th, to Tuesday, November 24th, due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Marcia will place an ad in the newspaper.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen
by admin | Jan 17, 2021 | Board of Selectmen Minutes
Meeting began at 6:05 pm. Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell. Members of the public present were Sam Boudle and Brandi Lambert.
Mrs. Boudle and Ms. Lambert entered the meeting to discuss with the Board clients at Vershire continuing to clean at the Town Office. Mrs. Boudle explained that in the past the Town had paid Vershire and Vershire then paid the clients. This has changed and Vershire would like the Town to pay the clients directly. One client would come once per week (with a supervisor from Veshire) overseeing them. Cleaning would take approximately 1 ½ to 2 hours per week. The Board discussed the subject and instructed Marcia to contact the Town’s insurance company about the matter. The Board gave Mrs. Boudle a tentative “yes” pending any insurance problems. Ms. Lambert and Mrs. Boudle left the meeting at 6:10 pm. The Board continued to discuss the matter and agreed on paying the client $11.00 per hour.
Mail was reviewed.
Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.
An Intent to Cut was approved from Donald Dostie.
The Board signed three abatement forms (Estate of Gary Foss, Gregory Archambault and Mark Wright). Abatements were necessary due to property being subdivided, sold and given a new tax map number after the first issue.
Marcia explained that since our tax rate had gone down, there were seven people who overpaid on their first tax payment. Refund checks were signed for these individuals.
On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board approved the minutes of the October 14, 2020 meeting.
The Board reviewed the Coos County Recycling Center budget in preparation for the annual budget hearing (via Zoom) on October 30 at 10:00.
A letter was reviewed informing the Board that the State would be doing some cutting on the Nash Stream Forest. The logger in charge of the operation is Timberwolf, LLC.
A Trail Agreement form with the Colebrook Ski-Bees was signed for permission to use a section of Gray Road and Kelsea Notch Road as a snowmachine trail.
On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board approved the Comprehensive Public Right-of-Way Regulations as prepared by the Town by Donahue, Tucker & Ciandella. Marcia will contact them and see what we do next.
The Board reviewed information received from Colebrook Selectman Sue Collins regarding the DOT Dispatch Center in Lancaster.
Road projects were discussed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen
by admin | Jan 17, 2021 | Board of Selectmen Minutes
Meeting began at 6:05 pm. Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell.
Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.
Mail was reviewed.
On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board approved the minutes of the September 23, 2020 meeting.
Marcia informed the Board that she had been asked by Cemetery Sexton Sheila Parkhurst if the Town would be willing to increase the burial rates charged. She said that she usually has Ed Poulin dig the graves and that he has recently gone up on his price. On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Stohl, the Board voted to increase burial rates to $350.00. Selectman Stohl asked Marcia to check with Sheila to see how Columbia’s cemetery rates compare with Colebrook’s.
Bob Baker was planning to attend the meeting but had an appointment. He left with Marcia a letter regarding the Rails to Trails project that he has been working on. The letter, which is addressed to Shelley Winters and Chris Gamache, was reviewed by the Board and signed.
Selectman Campbell stated that he had received a letter from the State stating that our Hazard Mitigation Plan needs to be updated. Selectman Cloutier said he would take a look at it.
Marcia informed the Board that Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Gay had contacted the office about having the section of Bungy Road from Pires’ driveway to their driveway plowed. The Board discussed the problems with this which include ditching, widening the road, gravel, place for plow truck to turn around, etc. Marcia will draft a letter for the Board to sign to be sent to Mr. & Mrs. Gay telling them what the Town’s position is on this request.
The Warrant for the State/General Election was signed. Marcia will see that it is posted.
Bids were opened for the removal of the Bovill Gift Shop building. Only one bid was received from Clark Jeffers. The Board discussed what needed to be done with the electricity going from the building to the light poles. On a motion made by Selectman Cloutier and seconded by Selectman Campbell the Board voted to award the bid to Mr. Jeffers. Marcia will draft up an agreement for the Board to review and have Mr. Jeffers sign it.
Selectman Campbell stated that he had received a phone call from Ted Burns (No. Stratford Snowmobile and ATV Clubs) regarding opening a section of So. Jordan Hill Road up to snowmachines and ATVs temporarily. He is requesting this because there is a logging job going on and this would avoid any interaction. The section he is proposing to use is approximately 500 feet long. On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board voted to give permission for this “temporary” trail detour.
Treasurer Carrie Klebe left reports for the Board on monies available in the Transfer Station Account, the General Fund and the NHPDIP accounts as of 9/30/2020.
A Current Use Application form was signed for Gregory & Nancy Archambault for property on Bungy Road.
An Intent to Cut was signed for Christopher Chase.
Marcia informed the Board that the Coos County Recycling Center Budget Hearing will be held on October 30 at 10:00 am. via Zoom. The County will provide copies of the Budget prior to the meeting.
A contract with Central Paving was signed by Selectman Cloutier.
An Agreement with the State for resurfacing part of US Route 3 during the summer of 2021 was signed by Chairman Cloutier.
Marcia reviewed for the Board an e-mail received from the Town of Stratford. The forester that was going to perambulate the line between Stratford and Columbia doesn’t think he will have time to complete the job in 2020. On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board voted to encumber $5,000.00 from funds raised in 2020 to be spent in 2021 for perambulating the Town line with Stratford.
Marcia spoke to the Board about a Yield Tax Bill for Clarence Young. Marcia explained that Mr. Young had called to complain about his Yield Tax bill and during the conversation Marcia discovered that she had made a mistake on the bill and charged Mr. Young for the amounts listed on the original intent not on the report. When she discovered this she told Mr. Young what had happened and that his adjusted bill would be approximately $518, which he thought was also too high. Marcia asked him to send the Board all slips/pay stubs that he had received for stumpage. After reviewing the paperwork, the Board discovered that there was stumpage listed on the list that it looked like Mr. Young didn’t get paid for. Marcia will write a letter to Mr. Young informing him of this fact and see what he can find out from the logger.
The preliminary tax rate paperwork was received from the State and reviewed by the Town. The Board made necessary adjustments and on a motion made by Selectman Cloutier and seconded by Selectman Stohl the approved the 2020 tax rate. Marcia will send it back to the State for final review. Marcia informed the Board that they hope to get the bills printed and mailed out by Friday, October 23rd with a due date of December 4.
An e-mail was reviewed from the Vermont Nature Conservancy checking with the Town to see if there had been any changes to property that the Conservancy has an easement on. Marcia will respond to them and inform them that there are no changes.
A letter and paperwork from Donahue, Tucker & Ciandella was received regarding the Right-of-Way policy that they are working on for the Town. Selectman Stohl offered to review it and get back to the Board with his recommendation.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen
by admin | Oct 21, 2020 | Board of Selectmen Minutes
Meeting began at 6:00pm. Present were Selectmen Eric Stohl, Donald Campbell, and Norman Cloutier, and Treasurer Carrie Klebe.
Treasurer Klebe told the Board what was available for funds in the town accounts. The Board and Treasurer Klebe both agreed to transfer funds into the NH PDIP account until needed. Treasurer Klebe left the meeting at 6:15pm.
David Falkenham entered the meeting at 6:20pm to discuss the Timber Tax as the logger for David Buckley. After discussion, the Selectmen agreed to reassess the yield tax. Falkenham was in agreement with the Selectmen, and left the meeting at 6:35pm.
Mail was reviewed. Email from Bob Baker was reviewed as well.
Checks and manifest were signed.
Selectman Cloutier made a motion to accept the July 22nd minutes, Selectman Campbell seconded the motion. All were in favor, so moved.
Intent to Excavate for Clark Jeffers was signed.
A Channel Easement was signed for the State of New Hampshire, granting permission for them to do work on the Sims Stream channel and bank by the Town Hall property on US Route 3. An Estimate of Compensation with the State of NH was also signed.
Selectman Campbell picked up the PPE for the Elections from the State today, and has left it all at the Town Hall.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Debra DeBlois
by admin | Oct 21, 2020 | Board of Selectmen Minutes
Meeting began at 6:02 pm. Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell. Members of the public present: Les Klinefelter (CRAG), Lisa Potter, Laurie Cotnoir, Becky Bunnell and Steve Bunnell (Carriage Lane Players), Charlie Jordan (GNWCA), Alan Coats and James Gilbert (Town of Stewartstown Selectmen).
Checks and manifests were signed.
Mail was reviewed.
An e-mail was reviewed from the Secretary of State’s office regarding PPE that the State would be providing Towns in anticipation of the September and November elections The Board members will review the memo and plan to get together with Town Clerk, Marcia Parkhurst, and Moderato, Stephen Brooks, to discuss plans for the two elections.
Members from the Carriage Lane Players, CRAG and Charlie Jordan came to the meeting at the request of the Board members to discuss the future of the Arts Center. Selectman Stohl started the discuss by stating that the Board of Selectmen is very supportive of the center and wants to work with them as much as possible, However, the concern of the Board is public safety and the impact this creates on the rest of the taxpayers in Town. He further explained that the Board had “refunded” what the GNWCA paid for property taxes in 2019 and had abated the lst installment of the 2020 taxes.
Charlie Jordan shared with the Board an e-mail that he sent today (July 8th) to Deputy Fire Marshall Shawn Toomey outlining items that they had discussed in a recent conversation. The Board informed Mr. Jordan that when the Fire Marshall responds to this e-mail that we would like to have a copy for our files.
Les Klinefelter spoke on behalf of CRAG. He stated that they are very supportive of the Center and want it to succeed. CRAG has and will continue to pursue grants to help with the upkeep of the Center. They plan future activities such as an “artist in residence”, art classes, demonstrations etc. He stated that they are not an “owner” in the property as they do not have the financial means to do that.
Steve Bunnell spoke on behalf of the Carriage Lane Players. He said that it is their intention to take over the entire building known as the St. Joseph’s Workshop. They will store their props, etc. there. They will also use the building to build sets and have an office. It was noted that this should go before the Planning Board as it is a change in the “site plan”. Future activities they plan are a drive-in performance of “War of the Worlds.”
Charlie Jordan informed the Board that later this summer there will be a kids’ performance by the “Patchwork Players” outside at the center. It was noted that the “management team” is looking into hiring someone to just write grants for the center.
Mr. Jordan inquired about the “tax exempt” status of the Center and did they have to come before the Board every year. The Board informed Mr. Jordan that they would like him to come in every time he gets a tax bill so they can keep informed of what is going on with the property.
Les Klinefelterr, Laurie Cotnoir, Becky Bunnell, Steve Bunnell, and Charlie Jordan left the meeting at 7:20 pm.
Alan Coats and James Gilbert entered the meeting to discuss Transfer Station issues. The Station is incurring a “bear” issue and Mr. Coats showed pictures of the mess that was left behind. He has spoken to Ben Champagne from the County and Ben is very much behind the idea of installing fencing/cameras to try and control the dumping of trash by people when the Station is not actually open. Several pictures showed items that
apparently came from the Spa Restaurant. The two Boards discussed having Ben write a letter on “county stationery” stating that there is to be no dumping by them when the Station is closed. It was decided to try the camera idea before going to the expense of additional fencing. Mr. Coats and Mr. Gilbert left the meeting at 7:50 pm.
On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board approved the minutes of the June 24th meeting.
Marcia reminded the Board that she would be out due to medical reasons for approximately one month beginning on July 20th. A notice will be coming out in the newspaper next week.
Cohos Advisors will be at the office on July 16th and 17th do the compilation for 2019.
The Board discussed purchasing new flag poles for the Town Office. Marcia will place the order.
The Board signed a Warrant for Yield taxes in the amount of $22,976.84.
Meeting adjourned at 8:28 pm.
Respectfully submitted.
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen