Meeting began at 5:54 pm. Present were Selectmen Cloutier and Campbell. Selectman Stohl was absent. Members of the public present were Craig Washburn (Metallak ATV Club), Scott DeBlois, Planning Board Chairman, and Ron Estabrooks.
Mr. Estabrooks came to the meeting to ask permission to trap on the Town’s property. Selectman Cloutier signed his permit.
Mail was reviewed.
Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.
The Board reviewed six letters and two petitions from residents/taxpayers regarding ATV usage on Kelsea Notch Road, Bungy Road and Gray Road. Mr. Washburn stated that he had come to the meeting because he had heard there were some complaints. He said that as far as he knew, the Club hadn’t received any complaints. Mr. Washburn also stated that the Club had done some rock raking and put down gravel on Kelsea Notch Road. Selectman Campbell stated that the Town can’t put any money into Class VI roads and that, if the Club has done some work, then he should bring that information to the next meeting. The Board decided that this matter should wait until the full Board is present to be discussed. Mr. Washburn stated that he would attend the next meeting. Mr. Washburn was given copies of all the letters and petitions.
Selectman Campbell said that there is also an ATV issue on South Jordan Hill Road and that he was going to discuss this with Ted Burns of the Stratford ATV Club.
While on the subject of South Jordan Hill, Selectman Campbell brought in a letter that he had drafted to be sent to Jeremy Ward regarding the gate that was placed on that road. Selectman Campbell had taken pictures of the
gate and said that he thought the Board should re-consider their position regarding the placement of the gate. No letter has been received from Mr. Tessier, whose land the gate is on. Marcia will type the letter on Town letterhead and have it ready for the Board to discuss and sign at the next meeting.
Mr. Washburn left the meeting.
Other road issues brought up included:
Pot holes by Wally Laro’s on Bungy Road
Jason Young has complained about the intersection of Schoolhouse Road and Bungy Road and his neighbor’s driveway.
A Supplemental Intent to Cut was signed for Renaud Grandmaison.
A Veteran’s Tax Credit (first all-veteran credit we have received) was approved for Michael Dunham.
Scott DeBlois came to the meeting to discuss the Brady/Planning Board issue. Mr. DeBlois asked that the Board send a “clarification letter” to the Bradys regarding the issue of their building being “entirely” sided by the end of the year.
Mr. DeBlois also asked if the Board felt that the Planning Board should start tackling other “unfinished” structures in Town. He said that they were planning to put an ad in the newspaper stating that they will be addressing unfinished structures. Mr. DeBlois left the meeting.
On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board approved the minutes of the August 28, 2017 meeting.
Town Treasurer, Jennifer Wells, entered the meeting. She provided the Board with end of the month reports for both the Transfer Station Account and the Town’s accounts. Mrs. Wells informed the Board that she had spoken to Crystal Ouimette regarding the Deputy Treasurer position and that Mrs. Ouimette is interested. Mrs. Wells left the meeting.
The MS535 was reviewed and signed by the Board.
The MS60 was reviewed by the Board.
Assessor Steve Allen had requested, and been granted, an extension on the Town’s MS1 until September 30.
The Board reviewed a letter and report from George Sansoucy regarding utility values. The letter also addressed the issue of Fairpoint Communications. The Board decided that since we have an extension that this matter should wait until Selectman Stohl returns.
Marcia informed the Board that she would be temporarily changing the Town Office hours. An ad will be placed in both the local newspapers to inform residents. New hours will begin on September 25th and will be Monday through Friday from 10:00 to 4:00 daily.
Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen