Meeting began at 6:00 pm. Present were Selectmen Stohl, Cloutier, and Campbell.
Road Agent David Cloutier was also present and brought in 2 quotes for paving Trask Road: Central Paving bid at $30,000 and Dorman bid at $40,000. The Selectmen agreed on choosing Central Paving. He also discussed paving Titus Hill at a cost of $31,000 and repairing bridges on Bungy and Gray Road at a cost of $6350.
Selectman Stohl made Road Agent Cloutier aware of the problems cars are having passing over the culvert fixed on Marshall Hill. Selectman Cloutier and Campbell will be checking it out as well.
Wally Laro put in a complaint about potholes in front of his house on Bungy Road, and Road Agent Cloutier was well aware of them, and said they would be fixed before winter.
Treasurer Jennifer Wells entered meeting at 6:25 and presented her balances. Mrs. Wells told the board that she thought she had found an assistant, but that she had to decline. She will continue looking.
Public Hearing began at 7:00 pm on the Highway Block Grant. A motion was made by Selectman Campbell to spend $30,000 on paving Trask Road, and $5700 on guardrails on Bungy and Gray Roads. This was 2nd by Selectman Stohl. All voted, and all accepted the Highway Block Grant. Public Hearing adjourned at 7:05.
David Cloutier left the meeting at 7:05.
Selectman Stohl presented Selectman Campbell with a business card for Chuck Henderson, Special Assistant for Policy and Projects, who works under Jeanne Shaheen. Selectman Campbell said he would be in contact with him.
Jennifer Wells left at 7:20.
Jeremy Ward sent an email in asking if he could put a gate on South Jordan Hill, after Paul Tessier’s home, to discourage traffic from entering and disposing of their trash. After discussion, the Selectmen agreed he could put a gate under certain conditions:
- Gate CANNOT be locked at any time.
- Before erecting gate, Selectmen would need written permission from the landowner. (For instance, if it is on Paul Tessier’s land, then they would need a letter from him giving his permission.)
- The gate must be 14 feet wide.
- The gate will be maintained by the landowner. (Or by whoever the landowner gives permission to.)
Bids were looked at for the Town’s fuel as follows:
- N. Brown–$1.819
- Bean —–$1.889
Selectman Campbell made a motion to accept C. Bean’s bid, and Selectman Stohl 2nd.
Bev White’s Vision Statement was presented regarding a business venture she is working on. The Selectmen agreed upon drafting a letter regarding this matter.
As a reminder, Bev White will be using the Town Hall on Thursday, August 24 at 6:30 for a meeting.
A letter to Selectman Stohl, from Melinda and Randall Gray regarding their neighborhood, was accepted and addressed.
Meeting adjourned 8:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Debra DeBlois