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Meeting began at 6:03 pm.  Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell.

Mail was reviewed.

Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.

On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board approved the minutes of the June 14, 2021 meeting.

Selectman Campbell gave the other Board members an update on what has been happening at the Dispatch Center.  The Board reviewed the minutes of the last Dispatch Center Committee Meeting.

The Board signed a contract to be sent to Stewartstown for their signatures on operating the Transfer Station.  Marcia informed the Board that she had sent a contract to the Town of Lemington but has not received it back yet.

The Board signed the Yield Tax Warrant in the amount of $17,416.74.  Marcia noted that we still have two more reports that have not been filed.

The Board signed a form to be sent to DRA stating that the Town will not be using the inventory forms this year.

The Board signed letters to the four utility companies (Fairpoint, Eversource, PNGTS and NHEC) requesting they provide utility appraiser ,George Sansoucy, with updated information for 2021.

Marcia informed the Board that Cohos Advisors will be in the office on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week doing the compilation for 2020.

A letter was received from Duncan Cullman asking the Town if he could purchase a piece of town-owned (tax deeded) property located off Marsh Road.  (Map 403, Lot 42)  Mr. Cullman is offering $18,000 for the property.  After discussion, the Board voted to accept Mr. Cullman’s offer.  Marcia will prepare a Purchase & Sales Agreement to be signed by the Board and Mr. Cullman.

An e-mail was received from Charlie Jordan asking for an abatement of the property taxes (lst installment) for the Arts Center.  The Board discussed whether to refund the amount now or wait until after the second installment comes out.  Marcia will do some research and get back to Mr. Jordan.

The Board discussed an e-mail received from Eric Maher (Donahue, Tucker & Ciandella) who is representing the Town in the Fairpoint case.  After reviewing Mr. Maher’s letter and discussing it, Selectman Stohl made a motion which was seconded by Selectman Cloutier, to inform Attorney Maher that the Town would like to settle and not continue with legal action.  Marcia will contact Mr. Maher and inform him of that fact.

Marcia informed the Board that Treasurer Carrie Klebe had asked if the Town was going to apply for the American Rescue Plan funds available from the federal government.  Ms. Klebe had indicated that she would be able to help do the application.  The Board discussed applying for the funds and then using them to help NHEC with their broadband project.  Marcia will contact Carrie to see what we have to do. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary

Board of Selectmen