Meeting began at 6:00 pm. Present were Selectmen Stohl and Campbell. Selectman Cloutier was absent.
Mail was reviewed.
Checks and manifests were signed.
At 6:05 Jenny Mitchell entered the meeting to give the Board an update on the Clean-Up Day she has organized. Ann Hebert will be registering volunteers in back of the Town Hall. JK Lynch has agreed to pick up the trash at no charge. Asked if the Town would be willing to help pay for an ad in both newspapers advertising the event. The Board agreed. Ms. Mitchell left the meeting at 6:20 pm.
Intent to Excavate forms were approved for Norman Cloutier and Pike Industries (4).
An Excavation Tax Warrant was signed in the amount of $7.20.
A letter was received from Donahue, Tucker and Ciandella regarding the Fairpoint property tax case. After discussion, the Board instructed Marcia to send an e-mail back saying that Columbia has voted to not accept Fairpoint’s proposal.
Signed Tax Collector’s Deeds were left for the Board by Tax Collector Debra DeBlois. The Board discussed what action to take with regards to each case:
- Lesperance/Carter – e-mail Attorney Jon Frizzell and see what advice he has for how to handle this matter.
- Jonathan Smith – e-mail realtor Wayne Frizzell stating that the Board has a Tax Collector’s Deed for the property. If the 2018 taxes are not paid in full by April 30th, then the deed will be recorded and eviction proceedings begun. In addition, the Board requests written confirmation from Mr. Frizzell that if the sale takes place before April 30th, that the Town will get all of their back taxes.
- Robert Flanders – hold up on this one. Trying to get a phone number to contact the Flanders family.
A list of the 2020 Tax Liens was reviewed.
Marcia provided each Board member with a breakdown of current monies in all Town accounts.
An Abatement Form was signed for Maureen Brown at her request. Ms. Brown’s escrow company had made a mistake.
On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Campbell, the Board approved the minutes of the March 24, 2021 meeting.
An e-mail was received from Zach Dill from Piper Construction asking for permission to store equipment on the Town’s property while the Sims Stream bridge project is being done. Marcia was instructed to e-mail Mr. Dill giving our permission but asking him to contact one of the Selectmen regarding how the property will be left when they are done.
A letter was received from DRA giving the Town the 2020 equalization ratio.
A Driveway Permit for Jon Cyr (Gray Road) was approved.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen