Meeting began at 6:00 pm. Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell.
Town Treasurer, Carrie Klebe, entered the meeting and gave the Board members a summary of monies currently on hand.
Mrs. Klebe also inquired about a road near her property that shows up on the on-line Tax Maps. She was interested to know if it was still a Town road. The Board said they would do some research on it and let her know. Mrs. Klebe left the meeting at 6:15 pm.
A contract was signed with C.N. Brown to pre-buy oil for the Town at $2.999 per gallon by Chairman Cloutier.
The MS-1 was signed by the Board members. Marcia informed them that this is the last form that needs to be submitted to DRA in preparation for setting our tax rate.
An Intent to Cut was signed for Jeremy Lambert.
The presentation of the Boston Post Cane to Ruth Whitehill was discussed. Selectman Stohl has checked with the family and they would like to do it on October 26th at 11:00 at Mrs. Whitehill’s home. Marcia will contact the newspaper.
Selectman Campbell told the other Board members that he had looked at the condition of the Town Office outside cellar door and that the entire door and frame need to be replaced. He said he would continue to look into it.
Selectman Campbell also informed the Board that he had gone down to the Lyman Falls site and that the large rocks that we placed there had already been moved. Selectman Cloutier said he would locate some more and place them at the site to keep people from parking on the beach.
Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.
The 2024 utility values were received from Sansoucy Associates and reviewed by the Board.
The Board received an e-mail from Tammy Letson (Town Administrator for Groveton) regarding the meeting she wants to set up for the northern towns to discuss the on-going assessing issue. The meeting has been set up for Thursday, October 24th, at 1:00 in Groveton. Selectman Campbell and Stohl both indicated that they would try to attend. Marcia said that she had spoken with Gary Fournier (our current assessor). Mr. Fournier indicated that he would complete his contract (which ends on 12/31/2026) but would be retiring after that time.
Two e-mails from NH DOT-Bridge Department were reviewed regarding a bridge on Meridan Hill Road and on Bungy Road that don’t have the appropriate signs posted. Selectman Cloutier said he would look into that and correct the issue. He will take pictures which Marcia will send to DOT to assure them that we have corrected the issue.
The Board asked Marcia to contact the Town’s attorney to get an updated on a continuing legal issue.
Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen