Meeting began at 6:00 pm. Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell. Members of the public present were: Jason Rella, Ronald Estabrooks, Allan Coats, James Gilbert and Town Treasurer Jennifer Wells.
Mail was reviewed.
Checks and manifests were signed and reviewed.
Ronald Estabrooks came into the meeting to ask the Board for permission to trap on the Town’s land. On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Campbell, the Board gave their permission to Mr. Estabrooks and Selectman Cloutier signed the permit. Mr. Estabrooks left the meeting.
An e-mail was received from Wayne Saunders regarding the items discussed at the last meeting. The Board instructed Marcia to send Mr. Saunders an e-mail stating that they were in agreement with the items he listed.
At 6:15 pm, Allan Coats and James Gilbert (Stewartstown Selectmen) entered the meeting to discuss the following Transfer Station issues:
- Plowing. Should we put it out for bid? Who calls to have the snowplow person come out and how many times a day do they do it. Does the Transfer Station attendant call or does Ben Champagne? After discussion, the two Boards agreed it should be put out for bid. Marcia will prepare an ad for the newspaper. Bid opening will be held on October 24th at the Columbia Town Office.
- Scrap metal area. Beecher Falls Redemption needs to pick it up more often. Some other Towns are having trouble with people dumping regular household trash in the metal container. People need to be told that they need to speak with the Transfer Station attendant first before dumping.
- Fencing. The Boards decided that we need to install a fence. Selectman Coats said Tractor Supply is where we should get the wire. Costs approximately $199.00 for a 100 foot roll. Selectman Campbell said that they have the fence posts at Hicks. This will help ensure people aren’t dumping when the Station is not open.
- Cameras – discussed installing cameras. Selectman Campbell will contact Kevin Lufkin (Lufkin Security) to give us a price on what would work for us.
- Transfer Station stickers – all agree that it is time to have stickers that are actually attached to the vehicles so that by looking at the car the Station Attendants will know that they should be dumping. Marcia will work on finding a place to purchase them.
- Who exactly has keys to the gate? Question for Ben Champagne. Is it time that we changed the lock?
Selectman Coats said he would speak with Ben Champagne about the first two items and the last item. Selectman Coats and Gilbert left the meeting at 7:00 pm.
At 7:05 pm Jason Rella entered the meeting. Mr. Rella explained that he had finished the painting (interior and exterior) of the Town Office. He has not yet completed the molding, etc. that the Board requested he do. He will be completing that as soon as he can. Mr. Rella left the meeting at 7:15 pm.
The MS434 (Revised Estimated Revenues) and the MS1 – (Total Valuation) forms were signed.
On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Stohl, the Board approved the minutes of the September 12th meeting.
Road items were discussed as follows:
- No “town line” at the Stratford/Columbia town line. Marcia will contact DOT.
- Discussed mowing – some areas were not mowed because the power company was spraying.
- Do work on Bungy Road by Kelsea Notch Road
- Do work on Fish Pond Road
- Check with No. Stratford about who painted their new “Town” sign. Marcia will see about getting some quotes.
Treasurer Jennifer Wells entered the meeting to present the Board will her report of current money on hand.
Selectman Campbell reviewed for the other Boards what had happened at last week’s Dispatch Center meeting. After discussion, on a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board voted to sign the lease agreement for equipment for the Dispatch Center.
Meeting adjourned at 8:21 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen