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Meeting began at 6:00 pm.  Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell.
Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.
Mail was reviewed.
On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Stohl, the Board approved the minutes of the July 12th meeting.
Selectman Campbell reviewed for the other Board members details of the last Dispatch Center meeting.
Marcia gave each Board member a print-out of expenditures and revenue received through June 30, 2023.
The Board reviewed an e-mail from Don Dawson (Netafy) regarding the on-going internet project.  Mr. Dawson plans to attend the August 23rd meeting.
Selectman Campbell informed the other Board members that the new windows for the Town Hall have been delivered.  He will be installing them later in the year.
The Board reviewed a Report of Timber Cut from Benjamin Boucher and gave Marcia the appropriate percentage in order to process a bill.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen