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Meeting began at 5:57 pm.  Present were Selectmen Cloutier and Campbell.  Selectman Stohl was absent.

Members of the public present:  Sheila Parkhurst, Town Treasurer Carrie Klebe and Don Dawson from Netafy.

Sheila Parkhurst came to the meeting to discuss the Town’s cemeteries.  She gave the Board a business card for a company who Derby, Vermont who repairs cemetery stones.  The Town of Colebrook has used them and was very pleased with them.  Ms. Parkhurst showed the Board some pictures that she had taken of stones in the Columbia Bridge Cemetery.  She also expressed her concern about the condition of that particular cemetery and indicated her interest in doing the mowing and trimming of that cemetery (and maybe the other ones also.).  The Board thanked her for her interest and discussed having this company come in and speak to them about what services they can provide.  Ms. Parkhurst left the meeting at 6:30 pm.

Treasurer Carrie Klebe came in the meeting to inform the Board that she will transferring monies from the Northway Bank account to the NHPDIP account because the interest is much higher.  She also explained that she had just transferred $75,000 into the Citizens Bank checking account to cover the school payment.  Mrs. Klebe left the meeting at 6:50 pm.

Don Dawson (Netafy) came to the meeting to give the Board an update on the broadband project.  He intended to give the Board a visual presentation, however, due to a technical issue couldn’t do that.  Mr. Dawson told the Board:

  1. The  Bunnell Road site is totally complete and will be activated tomorrow for the first customer.   This includes power back-up by way of a generator at 109 Carr Road.  He gave the Board a picture of the completed site.  He said the total cost of the Bunnell Road site was approximately $25,000.
  2. He hopes that the Stoddard Road site will be completed by the end of the week.
  3. Gray Road – he is looking at two different sites – 127 Gray and/or 81 Gray Road.
  4. He showed the Board some new technology that Netafy has recently purchased that according to the manufacturer will increase signal strength.  They haven’t, as yet, tested it in the field.
  5. Mr. Dawson will return to the next meeting (January 25th @ 6:30 with the presentation.

Mr. Dawson left the meeting at 7:40 pm.

At 7:45 pm Chairman Cloutier opened the public hearing on acceptance of one-time bridge aid from the State of New Hampshire in the amount of $47,654.80.  There were no members of the public present for this hearing.  After discussion, a motion was made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, to accept these funds.  It was noted that the Town presently has approximately $62,000 in Trust Fund monies for bridge repairs.  Preliminary plans are to repair the bridge on Bungy Road by Fred Foss’. The public hearing ended at 7:50 pm.

On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board approved the minutes of the December 28, 2022 meeting.

Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.

Chairman Cloutier signed the “Memorandum of Understanding” for the 45th Parallel EMS.

An Intent to Cut for Justin Ordeshook was signed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary

Board of Selectmen