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Meeting began at 5:59 pm.  Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell.

Mail was reviewed.

Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.

On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Campbell the Board approved the minutes of the May 11, 2022 meeting.

At 6:30 pm Amy Goyette from TCCAP entered the meeting.  Ms. Goyette was attending to bring information to the Board regarding a new program that TCCAP is planning to roll out this fall.  The agency has purchased a portable office unit that they will be bringing to communities to eliminate the need for all citizens to travel to them for help regarding fuel assistance, Head Start, etc.  Ms. Goyette and the Board discussed what the agency would need from the Towns as far as electricity, bathroom facilities, etc.  The Board explained to Ms. Goyette that Columbia really doesn’t have a place for the trailer to be situated.  Ms. Goyette noted that they were reaching out to adjourning Towns such as No. Stratford and Colebrook and that Columbia residents could go there.  Ms. Goyette left the meeting at 7:10 pm.

The Board reviewed and signed a letter to Eversource Energy denying their request for an Abatement of their 2021 property taxes based on the recommendation of utility appraiser, George Sansoucy.

A e-mail was received from Nancy Gray, Treasurer for the GNWCA informing the Board that the Motorcycle Blessing for 2022 has been

cancelled.  They are hoping to hold it in 2023.  Mrs. Gray also sent along the group’s most up-to-date financial information as requested previously by the Board.

An Intent to Cut was approved for Elaine White.

An Intent to Excavate was approved for Norman Cloutier.

Road Liability Waivers were signed for Devin Rodrigue and Gregory Hibbard.

The Warrant for the lst half of the 2022 property taxes was signed in the amount of $682,721.00.  Marcia informed the Board that the bills will be mailed out Thursday morning.

An e-mail was received from NH Department of Environmental Services inquiring if the Town had a “septic disposal agreement” with any other Town or entity.   Marcia will reply and inform them that we do not.

A Land Use Change Tax bill and Warrant were signed for Gilles DeBlois in the amount of $1,071.00.

A “Notice of Right to Re-Purchase”  was signed on the Pearson property that the Town just acquired by Tax Deed.  This letter is being sent to the late Mr. Pearson per instructions from Attorney Jon Frizzell.

Bids were opened for mowing the Town Hall, the Town Office and three of the Town’s cemeteries (Columbia Bridge, Keach and Lyman).  Bids were received from Yetti Yard Man and No Sweatt Mowing.  After review, Selectman Stohl made a motion which was seconded by Selectman Cloutier to award the bid to the lowest  bidder – Yetti Yard Man.

Marcia informed the Board that she had received a phone call from a resident of Meridan Hill Road complaining about dust.  Selectman Cloutier stated they were going to put chloride down but were waiting until after the weekend because they are forecasting rain.

The Board discussed various road projects and a possible “spring road trip” to see what projects need to be done.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary

Board of Selectmen