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Meeting began at 5:55 pm.  Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell.  Members of the public present:  Attorney Jon Frizzell and Don Dawson (Netafy).

Attorney Frizzell entered the meeting at 6:00 to discuss a Right to Know issue with a taxpayer.  After discussing the situation, Attorney Frizzell suggested:

  1. That the Town adopt a “Right to Know Request” Policy
  2. Adopt a form that could be given to people requesting information from the Town.
  3. Special warrant article in March appropriating legal fees, etc. to cover these type of requests.

The Board asked Mr. Frizzell to draft these items for them to review and adopt.  Mr. Frizzell left the meeting at 6:30 pm.

At 6:35 pm, Don Dawson from Netafy entered the meeting.  Mr. Dawson and the Board discussed the issue of broadband in Columbia.  On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Campbell, the Board voted to work with Netafy to expand coverage in Columbia using the ARPA funds received by the Town.  Mr. Dawson said that he would work on a contract, which the Town could have Attorney Frizzell review.  Mr. Dawson also stated that he would work up a presentation showing what the funds would be used for and how they would improve coverage.  Mr. Dawson said he would contact us as soon as he had these items ready for the Board to review.  Mr. Dawson left the meeting at 7:10 pm.

The Board reviewed and signed a letter to be sent to the Bureau of Business and Economic Affairs on behalf of NH Electric Cooperative in support of their grant application to expand fiber wires in Columbia.

The Board signed letters to be sent to Kathleen Lamontage and Domenic Castaldi regarding issues that had been brought up at the last meeting.

Marcia said that Keith Smith had come in and asked for permission to cut brush and do some ditching on Kelsea Notch Road (a Class VI road) in order for him to access his camp.   The Board gave permission and Marcia will contact Mr. Smith.

A Warrant and Yield Tax Certification was approved for David White.

Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.

Marcia informed the Board that the auditors would be in the office on Monday, August  lst, to do their field work in preparation for the MS-535.

Selectman Campbell brought the other two members up to speed on issues regarding the Northern Borders Dispatch Center.

The Board reviewed revenues received through June 30, 2022 in order to prepare the Revised Estimated Revenue Form, which is due on September lst.

Selectman Cloutier informed the other two Board members that he had contact Central Paving to obtain an estimate for doing paving work on Marshall Hill Road and Meridan Hill Road.

The Board discussed the flooring to be replaced at the Town Hall.  Selectman Campbell has purchased the 11 boxes of flooring needed and will present the Town will a bill for reimbursement.  The Board will be contacting someone to see if they are interested in doing it.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary