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Meeting began at 5:58 pm.  Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell.

Mail was reviewed

Checks and manifests were signed.

On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board approved the minutes of the April 27, 2022 meeting.

William Simpson entered the meeting at 6:10 pm.  Mr. Simpson was inquiring about chloride to put on the dirt portion of Meridan Hill Road. He said it was extremely dusty and that he would spread it if the Town had some.  Selectman Cloutier instructed Mr. Simpson where the chloride is stored and that it was okay if he spread it.  Mr. Simpson left the meeting.

Robert Lee entered the meeting at 6:25 pm.  Mr. Lee explained to the Board that he winters in Florida and that this year he had trouble getting his mail forwarded.  Consequently, he didn’t pay the second installment of his 2021 property taxes and ended up having a lien executed.  Mr. Lee is requesting that the Board refund the $60.73 that he was charged in interest and costs.  On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Campbell, the Board voted to refund Mr. Lee the requested amount.  Mr. Lee left the meeting.

At 6:50 pm Leo Dwyer and William Darcy (New Hampshire Electric Cooperative) entered the meeting.  They presented a slide presentation on what NHEC’s plan is for bringing high speed internet to all of their customers in Columbia.  They explained that it would be approximately four years before the entire project would be completed.  Mr. Dwyer and Mr. Darcy left the meeting at 7:40 pm.

Russell Marcotte entered the meeting at 7:45 pm.  Mr. Marcotte was inquiring about the status of Marsh Road.  After much discussion, the Board explained to Mr. Marcotte that this road is a “private road” and that the Town has no jurisdiction over it.  Mr. Marcotte was also concerned about his neighbor building things without the Town’s permission.  Selectman Cloutier stated that he would go and look at what was going on. Mr. Marcotte left the meeting at 8:05 pm.

Selectman Campbell reminded the other Board members that there is a Dispatch Center meeting in Pittsburg tomorrow night at 5:30 pm.

Marcia gave the Board members a copy of a “draft” Event Policy along with a “draft” Application form.  The Board will review it and discuss it more at the next meeting.

The Board reviewed an e-mail from Attorney Frizzell regarding the former Pearson property.  Based on his recommendation, the Board decided to send an “Opportunity to Repurchase” letter to Mr. Pearson’s last known address by certified mail.  After 90 days have passed, the Board can advertise for bids.

A letter of resignation was accepted with regret from Deputy Town Clerk, Debra DeBlois.  The Board questioned whether Mr. DeBlois would continue as Tax Collector and Planning Board secretary.  Marcia will check with her.

A Road Liability Form was signed for Frank Melanson.

Request for Information letters were signed by the Board at the request of assessor George Sansoucy in order to update our utility values for 2022.   Letters will be sent to our four utility companies.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary

Board of Selectmen