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Meeting began at 6:00 pm.  Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell.

Mail was reviewed

Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.

On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Campbell, the Board voted to elect Selectman Cloutier as Chairman of the Board.

At 6:05 pm.  Corinne Gerckens and Patrick Robinson from Wireless Partners, LLC entered the meeting.  They explained to the Board that they are a cell phone and internet provider.  At the present time, they have 6 customers in Columbia.  They discussed with the Board what they could provide as far as internet service is concerned.  The Board explained that at this point we are just meeting with providers to see what our options are.   Ms. Gerckens and Mr. Robinson left the meeting at 6:58 pm.

The Board reviewed the monthly reconciliation reports for the Transfer Station, Citizens Bank and Northway Bank accounts.

The Board signed the MS-232 (Report of Appropriations) which Marcia will forward to DRA.

The Board instructed Marcia to put an ad in the newspaper about the road bans being enforced.

On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Campbell, the Board approved the minutes of the February 23, 2022 meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 7:59 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary

Board of Selectmen