Meeting began at 6:00 pm. Present were Selectman Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell. Members of the public present: Sandra Tremblay.
Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.
On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Campbell the Board approved the minutes of the October 28, 2020 meeting.
Mail was reviewed.
Marcia explained to the Board that the Colebrook Town Clerk has been closed due to COVID-19. During the last two weeks, we have been processing registrations for their residents if necessary. Once the Colebrook Town Clerk is back to work, we will settle up on motor vehicle fees,
The Board was reminded that there will be a Dispatch Center meeting tomorrow night. Selectman Campbell explained that they are trying to set it up as a ZOOM meeting and he would be e-mailing the other Board members the link.
The Board discussed complaints regarding two property owners who have numerous “unregistered” vehicles on their property. Marcia will draft a letter for the Board to review to be sent to both property owners.
Marcia explained to the Board that she was interested in applying for a CARES Grant through the Secretary of State’s office that is available to help Towns with the unexpected costs of processing so many absentee ballots during the election. On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Stohl, the Board voted to accept in accordance
with RSA 21-P:43, a sub-grant from the New Hampshire Secretary of State and the CARES Act to be used for the purpose of processing absentee ballots in excess of those cast in 2016 in the Town of Columbia and further to designate the Town Clerk, Marcia Parkhurst, as authorized agent to sign the grant agreement and reimbursement request form on behalf of the Town.
Selectman Stohl informed the other Board members that he had received a phone call from Keith Smith regarding Kelsea Notch Road (a Class VI road). A property owner has been doing work on their driveway and has changed the slope of the driveway in such a way that it will wash out the Town road if we have a lot of rain and/or snow melt. Also, some of the gravel they have put on their driveway has been placed on the road itself. The Board reviewed the tax map and Selectman Stohl said he had viewed the site personally. Marcia will draft a letter to be sent to the homeowner asking them to adjust the slope so no damage will be done to the road and that the road itself be restored to the way it was.
At 6:43 pm Sandra Tremblay entered the meeting. Mrs. Tremblay has been doing some research on tax laws and questioned if the Town had the authority to tax her property. The discussion continued with Mrs. Tremblay refusing to understand what the Board was saying. Selectman Stohl asked Mrs. Tremblay if her husband (co-owner Norman Tremblay) was aware of the fact that if the property taxes on their property are not paid, then the Town will have to take action and take the property by tax deed. Mrs. Tremblay responded that he was aware of the fact and that he had witnessed her doing research into State laws for the last two years. At 7:30 Selectman Stohl made a motion which was seconded by Selectman Campbell to end this meeting with Mrs. Tremblay. Motion passed and Mrs. Tremblay left the meeting at 7:35 pm.
The Board discussed changing the next meeting from Wednesday, November 25th, to Tuesday, November 24th, due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Marcia will place an ad in the newspaper.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen