Phone: (603) 237-5255 | Fax: (603) 237-8270 [email protected]

Meeting began at 6:00 pm.  Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell.  Members of the public included Timothy & Pamela Stewart and David Scott (NH DOT).

The meeting began with Mr. Scott giving a presentation regarding the repair of the state-owned bridge on US Route 3 over Sims Stream.  The following points were discussed:

  1. Project will be done in the spring/summer of 2021.
  2. Bridge was originally built in 1956.
  3. Work will be performed by a construction company not DOT.
  4. Work will be completed in 12 weeks…
  5. Pictures were shown regarding the repairs that are to be made.
  6. Traffic will be one way controlled by a light.
  7. Municipal Work Site Agreement was signed by the Board.
  8. May require an easement from the Town and Mr. & Mrs. Stewart.

Mr. & Mrs. Stewart and Mr. Scott left the meeting at 6:35 pm.

Mail was reviewed.

Checks and the manifest were reviewed and signed.

The Board signed the Property Tax Warrant for the first installment of 2020 in the amount of $780,828.00.  The bills will be mailed out tomorrow morning.

The Board signed a Land Use Change Warrant in the amount of $4,600.00

The Board reviewed a letter from George Sansoucy advising the Town that they should deny Eversource’s property tax abetment for 2019.  The Board signed a letter to be sent to Eversource informing them of this fact.

On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board approved the minutes of the May 13, 2020 meeting.

The Lesperance property and unpaid tax situation was discussed.  The Board instructed Marcia to continue to reach out to Ms. Kim Carter to see if we can resolve this issue.

The Board discussed the situation between the Town of Lemington and the Dispatch Center regarding the placement of a tower.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary

Board of Selectmen