Phone: (603) 237-5255 | Fax: (603) 237-8270 [email protected]

Meeting began at 6:05pm.  Present were Selectmen Eric Stohl, Donald Campbell, and Norman Cloutier.

Selectman Campbell reviewed the Northern Borders Dispatch with the other 2 Selectmen.

On a motion made by Selectman Cloutier, and seconded by Selectmen Campbell, the minutes to the October 10th meeting were approved.  Mail was reviewed and the checks were signed.

Alan Coats entered the meeting at 6:30pm to discuss the Transfer Station and he also let them know there was a budget meeting for the Coos County Recycling Center on October 25th at 10am.  Coats left the meeting at 7:15pm.

Jennifer Wells entered meeting at 6:54pm and presented the Town Treasurer reports to the Selectmen.  Wells left at 8:10pm.

Selectman Stohl made a motion to use the municipal aid money in the amount of $12,817.30 to offset taxes.  Selectman Cloutier seconded the motion.  All were in favor, so approved.  Treasurer Wells said the money was deposited on October 15 electronically. 

The Selectmen reviewed an email sent by Donna Jordan/GNWCA on October 23.

The Selectmen signed a 5 year contract with Sansoucy which would be for 2020-2024 at $9000 per year.

Selectman Cloutier signed a driveway permit for Archambault.

The Selectmen also signed an acknowledgment with Donahue, Tucker, and Ciandella in reference to the “Special Conflict of Interest Waiver and Representation Agreement for Comprehensive Public Rights-of-Way Ordinance.”

The Selectmen were reminded that there would be a meeting on October 24 at 8:00am with Margaret for the Energy Audit.

Selectman Stohl made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:45pm, Selectman Campbell seconded it. 

Respectfully submitted,

Debra DeBlois