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Meeting began at 5:58 pm.  Present were Selectmen Cloutier and Campbell.  Selectman Stohl was absent.  Members of the public present:  Joey Sweatt.

Mail was reviewed.

Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.

The Board members opened sealed bids received for the tax deeded property known as the Stanton Heirs property.   Bids were received as follows:

Sandon Sierad             $   800.00

Joey Sweatt                 $2,613.00

On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board voted to award the bid to Joey Sweatt.  Mr. Sweatt gave the Town a check for the 10% deposit.  Marcia will prepare the deed for the Board to sign at the next meeting.

Marcia informed the Board that she had received an e-mail from Attorney Jon Frizzell regarding the paperwork dropped off by Mrs. Tremblay.  Attorney Frizzell stated no action was necessary.

Marcia informed the Board that she had also received a phone call from Attorney Frizzell regarding the application by the Great North Woods Center for the Arts for tax-exempt status.  Attorney Frizzell said he would have some questions and suggestions ready for the next meeting.

Two road complaints that have been received:

Rocks on Gray Road – very sharp and resident is afraid she will cut a tire.

Carolyn Foss – concerned about her culvert – is it her responsibility or the Town’s to clean out.

A letter was received from Sheila Parkhurst resigning her position of mowing the cemeteries as of June 30th due to medical reasons.  The Board will look into someone else finishing it for the year.  Ms. Parkhurst indicated that she would still take care of burials if the Town wanted her to.

A letter was signed to be sent to Eversource denying their abatement application for 2018 per recommendation from George Sansoucy.

Application for Forest Land Reimbursement for the Nash Stream property was signed.

At 6:30 pm Charlie Jordan and Nancy Smith entered the meeting.  Mr. Jordan informed the Board that he is a member of Colebrook’s 250th Celebration Committee.  It was suggested at a recent meeting, that Columbia and Stewartstown might be interested in doing something also.  Discussion continued as to when Columbia was actually founded or incorporated?  The Selectmen said that they would discuss it further and let him know if they were interested.  Mr. Jordan and Mrs. Smith left the meeting at 6:43 pm.

On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board approved the minutes of the June 12, 2019 meeting.

At the previous meeting, Marcia had informed the Board that she had been approached by Mr.& Mrs. Gregory Archambault regarding purchasing the former Falcucci property which the Town took for taxes in 2015.  The Archambault have recently purchased the abutting property (formerly owned by Carmelina Falcucci).  This was a 12.08 acre parcel which they purchased for $33,000.  (The Town had it assessed for $26,600.)  It was decided to wait until the next meeting for the entire Board to be present for the discussion.

Treasurer Jennifer Wells entered the meeting at 6:54 pm and presented the Board will up-to-date figures on the NHPDIP and Citizens Bank accounts.

An e-mail was received from Melissa Elander (NH Clean Energy) with information for the Board on LED lighting, etc.  The Board tabled the discussion until the next meeting.

The Board reviewed Report of Wood Cut forms and assigned the appropriate “percentage” to each one. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary

Board of Selectmen