Meeting began at 6:00 pm. Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell. Members of the public present: Melissa Elander (Clean Energy NH), Bob Baker, Vernon Smith and Aaron Smith.
Mail was reviewed.
Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.
Melissa Elander (Clean Energy NH) came to the meeting to inform the Board that the Town of Columbia does have enough energy usage to qualify for the program with Eversource to replace all the lights in the Town Office with LED lights. She will e-mail Marcia the information so that we can get started. She also said that the Town would qualify for an energy audit for the old Bovill Gift Shop building. This would cost the Town nothing but would provide some suggestions for the building. On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Campbell the Board voted to go ahead with both projects. Ms. Elander left the building.
Bob Baker entered the meeting to discuss with the Board the possibility of obtaining a grant to use the railroad bed as a hiking trail. The Board explained to Mr. Baker that the line is currently “active” and that from talking to the State about using the line for ATVs, they had been informed that the State was undertaking a study of all rail lines. However, the Board had no objection to Mr. Baker looking into it and getting back to them on what information he finds. Mr. Baker left the meeting.
Vernon Smith and Aaron Smith entered the meeting. They presented the Board with petitions signed by many residents on Meridan Hill Road asking for permission to use the Town road as an “access” to the trail system. They explained that at the present time, many residents don’t have access to the trail. Several items were discussed including:
- Speed – Selectman Stohl suggested 10 mph
- Signage
- To be used for trail access only – not “visiting” in the neighborhood.
- Selectman Campbell stated that he would like to see “everyone” on the road included – even if they don’t agree have something signed saying that.
- Is there another way to go? They could go over Selectman Cloutier’s land and land owned by Timothy Frizzell (Lemington Logging). Aaron Smith stated that they had not spoken with Mr. Frizzell.
At 6:45 Mr. Vernon Smith and Mr. Aaron Smith left the meeting with the direction from the Board that they try to work with Mr. Frizzell and that they also get input (in writing either petition, etc) from everyone on the road.
A phone call was placed to Timothy Frizzell by Selectman Cloutier asking if he would be willing to let the people on Meridan Hill Road use approximately 400 feet of his property as an access trail to the main trail. Mr. Frizzell gave his permission. Selectman Stohl placed a call to Aaron Smith and informed him that they had just spoken to Mr. Frizzell and that they could use his property.
The Board signed a letter to be sent to Janeanne Pike (Roger Young’s daughter) asking that they return the Boston Post Cane to the Town.
Marcia asked the Board what their plan was to mow the cemeteries for the remainder of the year since Sheila Parkhurst had resigned. Marcia was instructed to call Duane Sweatt to see if he was interested in doing them.
The Board reviewed and signed a letter drafted by Attorney Jon Frizzell to be sent to the GNWCA regarding their request for tax exempt status.
Marcia reminded the Board that there is a meeting with the State Fire Marshal on Wednesday, July 17th, at 10:30 to view the buildings on the former Shrine property.
Marcia told the Board that she had received a request from Charlie Jordan to use the Town Hall on Sunday, July 14th, for a concert if it should rain. After discussion, the Board instructed Marcia to contact Charlie and Donna Jordan and inform them that the Town Hall will not be available for use by the group due to existing septic/water issues connected with the building.
A Yield Tax Warrant in the amount of $10,633.11 was signed by the Board.
A Land Use Change Warrant in the amount of $4,170.00 was signed by the board.
On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Cloutier the minutes of the June 26th meeting were approved with changes.
The Board reviewed a letter from auditors, Crane & Bell, regarding deposit issues, etc. A phone call was placed to Treasurer Jennifer Wells and a message was left.
The Board discussed a request from Greg & Nancy Archambault to purchase property owned by the Town on Bungy Road (former Falcucci property). The Board decided on an asking price of $20,000.00. Marcia informed the Board that when we took the property, there was a mortgage on it. The mortgage holder had requested that if the Town ever decided to sell the property that he be given a chance to purchase it. Marcia will write him a letter and see if he is still interested before getting back to the Archambaults.
The Board discussed two amendments to the Regional Dispatch Center agreement. A statement was signed indicating that Columbia agrees to these to changes. There will be no Dispatch Center meeting in July. The next meeting will be held in August.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen