Meeting began at 6:00 pm. Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell.
Mail was reviewed
Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.
At 6:03 pm Fire Chief Brett Brooks entered the meeting. Chief Brooks expressed concerned regarding life safety code violations at the Great North Woods Center for the Arts. He informed the Board that the Center had requested an “assembly permit” from him and that he had refused. Under State law, in a Town without a fire department, the Board of Selectmen can issue an “assembly permit” but it is his recommendation that the Board not do this. Chief Brooks went on to say that concerts outside should be okay since a licensed electrician had checked those circuits and found them to be okay. After discussion, the Board instructed Marcia to draft a letter to the State Fire Marshall expressing concern about possible life safety issues in the three buildings. Chief Brooks left the meeting at 6:30 pm.
At 6:32 pm Ted Burns from the North Country ATV Club entered the meeting. Mr. Burns showed the Board members a map depicting the new ATV trail on So. Jordan Hill Road. The new route will not utilize the Town road. Mr. Burns said that the Club has applied for grant monies to help build the new trail. The Board decided to send a letter to the Trails Bureau in favor of this application. Mr. Burns left the meeting at 6:41 pm.
Intent to Excavate forms were signed for Pike Industries (4) and Norman Cloutier.
Marcia informed the Board that we had received a check from Hicks Logging as a “bond” for any road damage that they might do during their recent timber cutting operation on No. Jordan Hill Road. Marcia will send the check back to Hicks once the operation is completed.
A Junkyard Permit (renewal) for Harry Haynes, Jr. was signed.
Marcia asked for permission to place an ad in the newspaper requesting bids for mowing the Town Office and Town Hall this summer. Bids will be opened at the meeting on May 22nd.
Marcia informed the Board that all the 2016 property taxes have been paid. At the present, there are only 2017 and 2018 taxes due for a total of around $70,000.00.
At the next meeting, we will hold the public hearing on amending the Town’s Pole and Conduit License. All utility companies have been notified as required.
Marcia informed the Board that she had received a complaint about ATVs riding on Wallace Road. The Board will contact the person involved.
An e-mail was reviewed from the Manchester Motorcycle Club regarding the Blessing of the Bikes to be held on June 21st – 23rd. Marcia will e-mail the Vice President back with answers to her questions. With the GNWCA starting to hold events, the Board discussed drafting a policy to address vendors, outside concerts, etc. Marcia will see if any other Towns have policies.
An e-mail was received from Melissa Hall (Children’s Librarian at Colebrook Public Library) regarding the “star gazing” activity that they wish to hold on the football field in August. Ms. Hall was concerned about if the field would be mowed. Marcia was instructed to e-mail her back and tell her that the Town will take care of that.
Marcia informed the Board that she had e-mailed SDI Signs in Jefferson and they will provide us with a more detailed sketch of the proposed Town sign. Once that is done, we can decide on colors, etc.
At 7:12 pm Allen Coats (Stewartstown Selectman) entered the meeting. Mr. Coats came to discuss some Transfer Station issues. After much discussion, it was agreed to put the “fence” on hold for the time being. Mr. Coats stated that the rest of his Board would be in agreement with this.
Marcia informed the Board that on May 2nd, the Stanton/Sweatt property will be ready for tax deeding. After the deed is accepted by the Board, the property will be put out for bid.
Stacey Campbell entered the meeting to discuss removing the cedar trees in the front of the building which have gotten quite large. Stacey reviewed for the Board members what her plans were as far as landscaping the front of the building. The Board agreed to remove the cedar trees.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen