Meeting began at 6:05 pm. Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell.
Town Clerk Marcia Parkhurst administered the Oath of Office to newly re-elected Selectman Norman Cloutier.
On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Stohl, the Board voted to appoint Selectman Cloutier as Chairman.
Mail was reviewed
Checks and manifests were signed.
Selectman Campbell reminded the other members that there will be a Dispatch Center meeting on Thursday, March 14th, beginning at 5:30 at the Colebrook Town Office.
An Intent to Cut was signed for Forest Hicks, II.
The Board signed a contract with CAI Technologies to maintain the tax maps on the Town’s website.
Marcia explained to the Board members her recent e-mails/communication with Attorney Jon Frizzell regarding the Right to Know request received from Sandra Tremblay.
The Board discussed a request from the Coos Animal Sanctuary for a letter of support for them to use when applying for grants. The Board reviewed the brochure received from Carol Couture. Marcia was instructed to draft a letter to the Sanctuary asking questions about some of the items on the brochure.
The Board reviewed a Tax Deed Notice to be printed in the newspaper regarding the Stanton/Sweatt property issue. According to Jon Frizzell we should run the notice for one week. If no one responds to the notice by May 2nd, the Town will take the property and then be able to sell it.
Selectman Campbell stated that he had read an advance copy of an article to be printed in next week’s News & Sentinel regarding the ATV issue. The article states that the trail is being expanded to include the rail bed in Columbia and Sims Stream Road. Marcia was instructed to write to Trail Administrator Mike Ouellet and ask him to attend a meeting to discuss this issue.
A Veteran’s Tax Credit was approved for Russell Johnson.
Selectman Stohl inquired as to the status of the proposed Town sign for the south end of Town. Marcia will contact SDI signs in Jefferson whom she had spoken to last fall.
Marcia informed the group that Donna Jordan had contacted the office regarding the Great North Woods Committee for the Arts’ property being tax exempt. Marcia was instructed to contact Mrs. Jordan and explain that the Board had requested previously a business plan and financial information from the group before granting a tax exempt status.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen