Meeting began at 6:05pm. Present were Selectmen Eric Stohl, Norman Cloutier, and Donald Campbell.
Mail was reviewed
Checks and manifest were reviewed and signed.
The minutes from November 14, 2018, were approved by Selectman Stohl, and seconded by Selectman Cloutier.
Cemetery Sexton, Sheila Parkhurst, entered meeting at 6:10pm to discuss issues at the Columbia Bridge Cemetery concerning many of the headstones. Selectman Stohl made a motion to appropriate $2250.00 for Sheila Parkhurst to do the repairs mentioned in her estimate. Selectman Cloutier seconded it, and all approved. Sheila Parkhurst left meeting at 6:35pm.
Treasurer Jennifer Wells entered meeting at 6:40pm and reported her statements to the Selectmen. Wells left the meeting at 7:00pm.
A Veteran’s Tax Credit was approved for Richard Zuk.
Selectman Campbell reminded the Board that the next Dispatch meeting was on December 13 in Pittsburg, at 5:30.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:20pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Debra DeBlois