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Meeting began at 6:05 pm.  Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell.  Members of the public present:  Sandra Tremblay and Deputy Town Clerk Debra DeBlois.

Mrs. Tremblay came to the meeting to discuss her property tax bill.  Mrs. Tremblay was concerned because the tax bill went to the previous owner and the taxes were pro-rated at closing but haven’t yet been paid.  Mrs. Tremblay also asked some questions regarding how the taxes were calculated, school funding, etc.  Mrs. Tremblay left the meeting at 6:40 pm.

The Board signed a form appointing Debra DeBlois as Tax Collector until March.  At that time, Mrs. DeBlois will run for the position.  Marcia will continue to serve as Deputy Tax Collector and Debbie will continue to serve as Deputy Town Clerk.  Office hours will remain the same – Monday through Friday – 10:00 to 4:00.

Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.

Mail was reviewed.

Marcia informed the Board that Moderator Stephen Brooks had asked for permission to attend the Moderator’s Workshop in February.  Marcia has already sent in his registration form.

A letter was signed to be sent to Lyn Grover to discuss her late aunt Grace Hunt’s affairs.

A request was received from the 45th Parallel EMS asking for confirmation as to who is Columbia’s representative to the Board of Directors.  Marcia will contact Brett Brooks to see if he is still willing to serve and then prepare a letter to be sent to the 45th informing them of that fact.

The Board discussed the spreadsheet prepared by Becky Robinson, Dispatch Administrator, showing budget figures, amount to be paid by various Towns, etc. 

The Board reviewed the list of unpaid taxes as of December 31, 2018.

Letters and e-mails were reviewed from Donahue, Tucker & Ciandella regarding the BLTA matters involving Fairpoint and Eversource.  Negotiations are still on-going in both of these matters.

The Board reviewed budget figures for 2019.  The Budget Hearing will be held on Wednesday, February 13th, at 7:00 pm.  Marcia will put a notice in the newspaper.

Selectman Campbell brought up the matter of the old gift shop next to the Town Hall.  Several individuals have approached the Town regarding renting the structure various things including a market place, a dog kennel and a storage building.  The Board agreed that they were not in favor of becoming “landlords” and felt that it was best if the Town kept it and used it themselves.  Discussion continued about doing some work on the building and what needed to be done.  No final decisions were made until the Board can view the building and discuss it further.

On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board approved the minutes of the January 9th meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary

Board of Selectmen