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Meeting began at 5:55 pm.  Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell.

Hannah Campbell, representing the Chamber of Commerce, entered the meeting to speak with the Board about writing a letter of opposition to HB 498 & 683 regarding ATV usage in the State of New Hampshire.  The bill that the Chamber is mostly concerned with is the bill regarding ATV usage of Town Roads.  The Chamber is asking that letters be sent to Representative Moynihan before the bill comes up for a vote.  Hannah will provide the Board with an address for the Board to use should they wish to participate.  Ms. Campbell left the meeting.

At 6:11 pm, Robert Langevin and Planning Board Chairman Scott DeBlois entered the meeting.  Mr. Langevin explained to the Board that he and his daughter had recently purchased 90 Kelsea Notch Road (from former owner Charles Laros).  Mr. Langevin said that since he purchased the property he has been having an issue with the person who lives in the first house on the road (currently owned by William Claypoole).  Mr. Claypoole had applied for and received a permit to build a barn, however, according to pictures provide by Planning Board Chairman Scott DeBlois he has built the structure illegally because it does not meet the 25 foot setbacks.  This has caused a problem with the road being plowed by Mr. Langevin because there is no place to put the snow.  In addition, Mr. Claypoole informed Mr. Langevin that he could “gate the road” that Mr. Langevin could only travel on the 8 to 10 feet of graveled road, and that he would have to provide a bond in order to plow it.  The Board explained to Mr. Langevin that this is a Class VI road, which means the Town still owns and controls it.  According to the Tax Map and other documentation maintained

by the Town, Kelsea Notch Road is a fifty-foot wide road.  As far as the building which was built in violation of the Town’s zoning ordinances, the Planning Board will have to contact Mr. Claypoole and tell him that he has to move his building.  Mr. DeBlois informed by Mr. Langevin that they would be sending a letter and that they would send him a copy of it.  Hopefully, this will take care of the situation.  Mr. Langevin and Mr. DeBlois left the meeting at 6:40 pm.

On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board voted to enter non-public session at 6:40 pm as per RSA 91-A:3, paragraph c.

On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Stohl, the Board voted to return to public session at 7:05 pm.

At 7:05 pm, Selectman Cloutier announced that the annual budget meeting would now start.  There were no members of the public present.  The Board reviewed for the last time, the budget recommendations for 2019.  The following changes were made:

  1. Increase winter road budget from $96,000 to $98,000.
  2. Increase revenue received from the Planning Board for 2018 to $3,397.00 from $2,875.00.
  3. Decrease expenditures for 2018 in the Solid Waste line item from $49,072 to $44,322.

There being no other changes to be made, the Board approved the budget and warrant.  Marcia will make the necessary changes and the Board will come in and sign them.  Budget and Warrant must be posted by February 25th.

Selectman Campbell reminded the Board members that there will be a Northern Borders Regional Dispatch Center meeting tomorrow night beginning at 5:30 here at the Columbia Town Office.  Selectman Campbell explained several issues that would be discussed at that meeting and asked for input from the other Board members.

An Intent to Cut was approved for Thomas Patenaude.

Tax Collector Debra DeBlois left each Board member a list of taxpayers who will be received Notices of Impending Tax Deed next week.

The Board signed a Reimbursement Request to be sent to the State for Fire Warden Expenses.

The Board signed a letter addressed to the 45th Parallel EMS nominating Brett Brooks as our Board of Director representative.

An e-mail was received from the NH DOT informing the Town that they would soon by instituting the load limit regulations.

Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.

On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board approved the minutes of the January 23, 2019 meeting.

An e-mail was received from Jon Frizzell regarding the Stanton/Sweatt property situation.  Mr. Frizzell was inquiring whether the Town knew if the previous owner (Emaline Ellingwood Stanton) had any known relatives.  The Board instructed Marcia to contact Mr. Frizzell and tell them that there are none that we know of and to proceed with whatever he has to do to close out this matter.

The contract with CAI Technologies for map maintenance was reviewed and signed for 2019.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary

Board of Selectmen