Meeting began at 6:05pm. Present were Selectmen Eric Stohl, Norman Cloutier, and Donald Campbell.
Mail was reviewed and checks were signed. Minutes from the December 12th meeting were accepted.
The Board signed the 2018 Equalization/Municipal Assessment Data Certificate that Steve Allen presented.
The Board also signed an engagement letter from Crane & Bell.
The agreement contract with 45th Parallel EMS was signed by the Board.
There was a discussion on the new Coos County Transfer Station stickers. It was made clear that new stickers would be bought every year in a different color. New stickers for Columbia residents will be mailed out yearly.
An Intent to Cut was signed for Jack Riendeau/Sandra Davis.
Donald Campbell would like it listed in the Columbia Town Report that he is our representative for the Northern Borders Dispatch.
There was a discussion on Summer Roads. Selectman Eric Stohl made a motion to encumber $27,000 from the 2018 Summer Roads account to be spent in 2019 for paving. Selectman Norman Cloutier seconded it. All in favor, so moved.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:20pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie DeBlois