Meeting began at 6:05pm. Present were Selectmen Eric Stohl, Norman Cloutier, and Donald Campbell.
Mail was reviewed, checks were signed, and the minutes from November 28 were accepted.
The Selectmen reviewed the new stickers for the Coos County Transfer Station, that the towns will begin using in January. They agreed letters should be sent out to the town’s residents along with their new sticker.
A letter was reviewed from the Town of Stewartstown regarding using the former Superintendent’s house for the nursing home administrative offices. All were in favor of presenting letter along with the other towns.
Selectman Cloutier signed Municipal Work Zone Agreement with NH DOT involving sign projects.
A Thank-You note was mailed in for Selectman Cloutier from Linda Zarli, for doing a nice job on Bungy Road.
Intents to Cut were signed for Justin Frizzell, Tony Hibbard, and Jeremy Moren.
Purple Heart/POW plates were discussed, regarding having the town charging no fee as the State does not. It will have to be brought to town meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Debra DeBlois