Meeting began at 6:05. Present were Selectmen Eric Stohl and Norman Cloutier. Members of the public present: Treasurer Jennifer Wells and Chris Brady.
Mail was reviewed.
Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.
Minutes were approved for April 11, 2018 meeting.
Treasurer Jennifer Wells presented her balances for the month and they were reviewed. Jennifer left meeting at 6:30.
At 6:30 Selectmen Stohl, moved to go into a public hearing regarding the application of Barbara Schomburg for a Discretionary Preservation Easement for a Historic Structure per RSA 79-D, Selectmen Cloutier seconded. The easement application was signed by both Selectmen with little discussion. Hearing adjourned at 6:40, Selectmen Stohl moved, Selectmen Cloutier seconded.
Chris Brady, Columbia School Board Chairman, gave an update on the Regional School Committee. He asked the Board if they knew of anyone from Columbia that would be interested in serving on the Committee. Selectmen Stohl suggested former teachers. Mr. Brady said anyone interested needs to apply to the SAU Office. He also said he would keep them posted on future Regional meetings. Mr. Brady also stated that the Committee was hopeful to have a plan in place for a Regional School by April 2019. Mr. Brady also invited the Selectmen to attend the next school board meeting on Wednesday, May 2, at 4:30, at the Columbia Town Office. All were in agreement to attend. Mr. Brady left meeting at 6:45.
A Land Use Change Tax form was signed for Carolyn Foss, both the warrant and bill.
Intents to Cut were signed for Renaud Grandmaison and Jeremy Moren.
An email from Noah Pollock was reviewed regarding the Dedication of Lyman Falls to the late William Schomburg on July 15th, 2018. Selectmen were in agreement with the date.
Ads were reviewed for the painting of the interior and exterior of the Town Office, as well as an ad for mowing/trimming of the Town Office and Town Hall. Need to add that bids need to be received by May 23, 2018. Will run ads for next two weeks.
Reviewed email proposal from David White to sweep Trask Road. Selectmen said they would have to decline this year, as funds were not appropriated for it. Also we do not sweep any other roads in town.
Selectmen reviewed and signed Intent to Excavate from Pike Industries.
Email from Sansoucy was reviewed, requesting more information from Utilities.
A renewal from the Coos County Recycling Center was reviewed. Selectmen would like to compare it to the previous one before signing.
Selectmen were reminded there will be a Dispatch meeting (Full Board) on May 10 in Colebrook, at 5:30.
Selectmen Cloutier suggested grading Bungy and Meridan Hill Roads soon.
Meeting adjourned 8:00, Selectman Stohl moved, Selectmen Cloutier seconded.
Respectfully submitted,
Debbie DeBlois
Deputy Town Clerk