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Meeting began at 6:00 pm.  Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell.  Members of the public present:  Planning Board Chairman Scott DeBlois and Tax Collector Garry Parkhurst.

Mail was reviewed.

Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.

Planning Board Chairman Scott DeBlois came to the meeting to discuss the following subjects:

  1. Kathleen Lamontagne – camper situation.  The Board and Mr. DeBlois reviewed a letter received from Mrs. Lamontagne.  After discussion, Selectman Stohl volunteered to stop by Mrs. Lamontagne’s house to see if he could speak with her and have her complete her application for the location of a camper.  On the issue of her unfinished shed, the Board will revisit this issue when the weather improves.
  2. Christopher and Joyce Brady – the Board reviewed a letter received from Mrs. Brady regarding the unfinished siding on their store. After discussion, the Board placed a phone call to the Bradys and informed them that the front of the store must be finished by the end of January (2018) or the Town will take further action.
  3. Site Plan Regulations were discussed. Selectman Stohl stated that after reading them, he feels that enforcement of these regulations falls to the Planning Board not the Board of Selectmen.  Mr. DeBlois said he had spoken with a lawyer from the NHMA and that he said it falls to the Board of Selectmen.  It was noted that on the Town’s website, you can’t “print-out” copies of the site Plan Regulations.  Marcia will contact Roxanne Herres to see if we can fix this problem.

Mr. DeBlois left the meeting.

Selectman Campbell reminded the Board that the Dispatch Center meeting is tomorrow night at 5:30 in Canaan.  The Board signed a statement stating that they are in favor of changing the name of the Dispatch Center to the “Northern Borders Dispatch Center”.  Budget numbers for 2018 will be presented at the meeting.

An Agreement with George Sanscouy to provide appraisal numbers in the tax cases against the Town by Fairpoint and Eversource was signed.

The MS60W (Audit Waiver Request) was signed for the 2017 fiscal year.  Marcia will send it to DRA.

On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Campbell, the Board approved a $.50 per hour raise for both the Town Clerk and the Deputy Town Clerk retroactive to January lst.

Town Treasurer Jennifer Wells and Crystal Ouimette entered the meeting.  Mrs. Wells informed the Board that she would like to appoint Mrs. Ouimette as her Deputy.  Town Clerk Marcia Parkhurst issued the oath of office to Mrs. Ouimette.  Mrs. Wells presented the Board with her monthly report for December, 2017.  Mrs. Wells and Mrs. Ouimette left the meeting.

The Board reviewed the Town Formula numbers from the 45th Parallel.  It was noted that Columbia’s appropriate has increased approximately 38%.  The Board expressed concern that no back-up or documentation was received.  The Board instructed Marcia to contact Ambulance Director Bill Watkins and ask him to attend the next meeting.  Signing the annual agreement was postponed until the next meeting.

On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Stohl, the Board approved the minutes of the December 27, 2017 meeting.

An Intent to Cut was approved for Martin Zarli.

The Board spent the remainder of the meeting discussing the 2018 budget.  Marcia will have final numbers ready for the next meeting.

Selectman Stohl informed the other Board members that he had received a phone call from Dale McCoy regarding towing services initiated through the Dispatch Center.  Mr. McCoy was concerned because he had been told by a customer that one of the dispatchers refused to give out his number.  Mr. McCoy is also concerned about the “rotation schedule” regarding which towing companies are sent out.  Mr. McCoy plans to attend tomorrow night’s dispatch meeting to discuss his concerns.

Meeting adjourned at 8:11 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary

Board of Selectmen