Phone: (603) 237-5255 | Fax: (603) 237-8270 [email protected]

Meeting began at 6:05 pm.  Present were Selectmen Stohl, Campbell, and Cloutier.  Members of the public present were Craig Washburn (Metallak ATV Club).

The minutes from September 13, 2017 were approved.

Checks and manifest were reviewed and signed.

Material from George Sansoucy was reviewed in regards to Eversource and Fairpoint.  Selectmen agreed to use Sansoucy’s assessment figures for Fairpoint, and signed the MS-1.  Attorney Jonathan Frizzell sent an email stating that this was out of his field of expertise, and recommended Attorney Chris Boldt from Meredith.  The Board agreed with the recommendation.  Selectman Stohl said he would contact Boldt to touch base with him.

Eric Stohl reviewed the letters received from taxpayers/residents regarding ATV usage from the last meeting.  Mr. Washburn was on hand to discuss the situation, and has also reviewed the letters. The complaints were on the following roads:  Kelsea Notch Road, Bungy Road, and Gray Road.  Selectmen Stohl inquired if the ATV Club had any funds to repair the roads.  Mr. Washburn stated that the Club had put $4950 into Kelsea Notch Road this year, and he is continuing to work with the State (Maggie) on funding.  Mr. Washburn is aware that the road is getting washed out, and needs to be ditched, but states that he tries to only maintain the road, and that driveways would need to be fixed, so they aren’t washing into the road.  After a lengthy discussion, Selectmen Stohl suggested a letter be drawn up to Metallak ATV Club to address these issues, and see if the Club is willing to do repair work on the roads.  Selectmen Campbell agreed to draw up the letter.  A copy of the letter will also be sent to Keith Smith.  The Club meets the first Thursday of every month.  Mr. Washburn left meeting at 6:55.

Treasurer, Jennifer Wells, entered meeting at 6:30.  She reported her monthly statements, and Selectmen agreed on reports.  The letter from Crane & Bell was reviewed and the Selectmen did mention to Mrs. Wells about balancing her accounts using Quickbooks.  It was discussed that Mrs. Parkhurst, Town Clerk, uses Quickbooks, and Mrs. Wells balances her statements on paper, and that the two of them could discuss which works best for them.  Mrs. Wells left at 7:15.

The letter from Crane & Bell also discussed taxes being taken out for election workers.  Two out of the three requirements were met by the town, and the workers are handled as independent contractors.

An enforcement issue concerning Ryan Ouimette and the Planning Board was presented.  After discussion, Selectmen Stohl suggested a letter be sent to Mr. Ouimette asking him to come in and discuss the issue in front of the Selectmen.

Selectman Cloutier signed the MS-434.

A letter to Jeremy Ward to remove his gate was presented and signed by the Selectmen.

A Road Liability Waiver for Lewis was signed, notarized, and witnessed.

A road issue of dust from Doma Watson was discussed.  Also the potholes near Wally Laro’s, which Selectman Cloutier said was fixed.

An ad will be put in the newspaper requesting bids for plowing the Town Office and the Town Hall.

Selectman Stohl said he had been contacted by Ben Champagne to discuss plowing of the Transfer Station.  Mr. Champagne should be sending an email out shortly regarding this.

Appointment forms for Fire Wardens was signed the Selectmen.

The Ski-Bees Trail Permission form was signed, and Gray Road was the only road they could think of to be utilized.  Selectman Campbell was considering attending their Appreciation Dinner.

Selectman Stohl said he would contact Millard Crawford to run a new line up the flag pole, since the old rope broke.

Dispatch minutes and email from Selectman Campbell were discussed and the Community Action Report from DRA was reviewed.

Selectman Campbell was approached by Beverly White about using the old Bennett gift shop property for a store and small restaurant.  The Selectmen agreed it would be best to let the townspeople decide upon this at town meeting.

The football field not being used was discussed.  There are still goal posts on the field, and it has not been mowed.  There is also some stuff left behind—a grill, frame, trailer, etc.  It was suggested that a letter be sent to Dale McCoy asking if they could keep the field mowed, so it doesn’t look unattended, and if they could clean up their stuff left behind. 

Cloutier Sand & Gravel was approached by C.N.Brown to see if they could fix Simms Stream Road after the propane truck accident this past week.  Selectman Campbell approved, and Selectman Stohl seconded it.  Cloutier was also told that C.N.Brown’s insurance would cover the bill for the fire departments, so there should be no bill for the town.

Respectfully Submitted,

Debra Deblois