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AUGUST 9, 2017

Meeting began at 6:05 pm.  Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl and Campbell.

Road Agent David Cloutier came in to the meeting to discuss the following:

  1. Work on the Bungy Road Bridge (near Stoddard Road) is completed.
  2. One culvert on Bungy Road still needs to be done.
  3. Work is ongoing on Currier Hill.
  4. Culvert on Marshall Hill will be done tomorrow.
  5. Big culvert on Meridan Hill Road will be done this fall.
  6. Quotes have been received for paving Trask Road from Dorman and Gray. Still waiting for Blak Top and Central.  Estimate to be around $40,000.00.
  7. David White will be doing the roadside mowing.
  8. Discussed the additional Block Grant money received from the State and where to spend it. Public hearing will be held on Wednesday, August 23rd, @ 7:00.  Marcia will put a notice in the newspaper.  Perhaps could use it for paving on Titus Hill Road.

Mr. Cloutier left the meeting.

Malcolm Washburn came to the meeting to discuss his recent Yield Tax bill.  Mr. Washburn asked again if the Board would be willing to use the same percentage as last year and explained that part of the cutting involved very long “skids” – perhaps a mile.  After discussion, the Board suggested that they split the difference and bill the job at 50% instead of the 33% Mr. Washburn was requesting and the 83% that it was originally billed at.  Mr. Washburn agreed to this and the Board signed an Abatement Form in the amount of $1,058.85.  Mr. Washburn left the meeting at 6:30 pm.

Keith Smith entered the meeting at 6:35 pm.  Mr. Smith wished to express his concern over the use of Kelsea Notch Road as part of the ATV trail.  Mr. Smith’s concerns were:

  1. Knows it is a Class VI Town Road but who is responsible for fixing it after the ATVs have damaged it.
  2. Camp owners have put a lot of money into the road (with the Town’s permission) and don’t want to have to do it again
  3. He believed that when the Town gave the ATV Club permission to use the road that it was going to be a temporary thing only.

The Board instructed Mr. Smith to get in touch with the other camp owners on the road and have them write letters expressing their concerns about the use of the road as part of the ATV trail.  The Board will then pass these concerns onto the Club to see if they can come up with a better solution.  Mr. Smith thanked the Board for their cooperation and left the meeting at 6:50 pm.

Beverly White and Britni Haley entered the meeting at 7:00 pm.  They came to speak with the Board regarding a business venture they are working on.  Ms. White and Ms. Haley left the meeting at 7:35 pm.

A letter was signed to be sent to Bernard Routhier regarding his farm’s trucks crossing the Columbia Covered Bridge.

Mail was reviewed.

Checks and manifests were reviewed and signed.

On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Cloutier, the Board approve the minutes of the July 26, 2017 meeting.

Selectman Campbell reminded the rest of the Board that there is a dispatch committee meeting tomorrow night at 5:30 in Canaan.

A Current Use Application was approved for Donald & Stacey Campbell.

A Land Use Change Tax form and warrant were signed for Robert Anderson.

Marcia informed the Board that she had sent out letters to CN Brown and C. Bean for quotes on oil.  The bids will be opened at the next meeting.

Treasurer Jennifer Wells entered the meeting at 7:55 pm.  Mrs. Wells gave the Board her report for the month of July and updated the Board on money currently on hand.  Mrs. Wells informed the Board that she is still working on getting a Deputy and thinks that she has someone that is interested and would do a good job.  Mrs. Wells left the meeting at 8:10 pm.

Marcia reminded the Board that we will need to put out for bid plowing the Town Office and Town Hall.  Also, the Board needs to meet with Stewartstown to come up with specifications for plowing the Transfer Station so that can go out for bid also.  On another note, the winter plowing contract is in its third year and we will need to put this out for bid the beginning of January.

Selectman Cloutier said that he had been approached by Donald Dostie about going across the Town’s land (by the Town Hall) in order to get to the ATV trail.  The Board discussed the fact that the ATV Club had asked about this but the Town wouldn’t give permission until the State approved the Route 3 crossing.  Due to the fact that this is not an established trail and that it would fall back on the Town if anything should happen, the Board decided that they would not give Mr. Dostie permission to ride his ATV on the Town’s property.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary

Board of Selectmen