Meeting began at 5:58 pm. Present were Selectmen Cloutier, Stohl, and Campbell. Members of the public present were: Road Agent David Cloutier, Scott DeBlois and Danielle DeBlois.
Danielle DeBlois came to the meeting on behalf of the local 4-H Club. The Club wishes to use the field behind the Town Office for a Cow Chip Bingo Game to raise money. The “game” will be played on June 10th. The Club would like to sell 100 tickets at $10.00 each. On a motion made by Selectman Stohl and seconded by Selectman Campbell, the Board voted to grant permission to the Club. Danielle DeBlois and Scott DeBlois left the meeting.
Mail was reviewed.
Checks and manifests were signed.
The Board postponed signing Intent to Excavate forms for Pike Industries until the Planning Board receives their Bond.
On a motion made by Selectman Campbell and seconded by Selectman Stohl, the Board approved the minutes of the April 14, 2017 meeting.
Appointment forms were signed for Sheila Parkhurst (Cemetery Sexton) and Jon Fogg (Conservation Commission).
The Board asked Marcia to have Town Treasurer Jennifer Wells attend the next meeting on May 10th.
Marcia mentioned to the Board that the stain on the exterior of the Town Office is pealing in several locations and that the building needs to be pressure washed.
Marcia gave the Board members a copy of an e-mail sent to the Town on behalf of Harold Rist. The e-mail stated that Mr. Rist was interested in
paying all the back taxes, etc in order for the Town to deed the property back to him. After discussion, the Board instructed Marcia to have Mr. Rist send an explanation as to why it has been four years since he contacted the Town. They would like the explanation to be notarized. Also the Board was interested in what sort of a payment arrangement he is talking about. Marcia will respond to the e-mail.
At 6:35 pm the Board members along with Road Agent David Cloutier left to do their annual “spring road” trip to determine what projects should be done this summer.
Meeting adjourned at 6:35 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia Parkhurst, Secretary
Board of Selectmen